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WIP deathing Assault termies


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Just thoght I'd chuck these up, see what you guys think, Theyre all magnatized for TH+SS and LC and are probs about 50% done.

I'm not the greatest painter, but I'm really happy with how the faces turned out as this is my first time doing them, and I wanted them too all go helmetless for the cool factor.

Im also working on an apothacary, so Ive stuck him in as well.






By andyzzzore, shot with Canon PowerShot A450 at 2009-04-30



By andyzzzore, shot with Canon PowerShot A450 at 2009-04-30



By andyzzzore, shot with Canon PowerShot A450 at 2009-04-30

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Generally, I'd say well done, looking good...


But Termies without helmets??? It's almost a contradiction in itself...imagine you giving your troops the most expensive armour you have, armour which is nigh indestructible, and then the idiots get themselves killed by a lasgun just coz they like running around without their helms.


Not that they don't look good without helmets, but I just think that's something they wouldn't do.


Will the armour be getting some more washes/highlights? It looks very nice and you did a clean job, a few highlights or washes shoulc make it look perfect...

I think it's silly quibbling over the helmet/no helmet thing. Marenus Calgar doesn't wear a helmet and from what I recall he can still take a truckload of bullets.


I like that you've magnetized the terminators. I think that when I get some termies of my own I'll do the same.


Where do you get your magnets anyways?

As tactically unsound as not wearing a helmet is, all my other termies have them. its just the assault ones that dont :ph34r: . As i said previously, it was for the cool factor. I imagine that they would appreciate tearing their lightning claws through a traitor that much more without their helmet on.


@ Ufthak -- Yes I havent finished them by a long way yet. 2 of them have just been drybrushed to bone, 2 need highlights and washes, and 1 needs both, so they have a bit to go, but i agree that they need that bit mroe to pop out.


@ Falhurk -- Thanks, it was my first real try at magnatizing, and it actually pretty easy. I ordered them from a rare earth magnet company here in australia, and got 50 for something like $10. Their range has lots of sizes and theyre pretty cheap too.


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