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Space Marine Portrait


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Hi. I know this isn't much, however I haven't contributed anything in a number of weeks and thought that some people might get enjoyment out of this little doodle I did the other day at work.




I tend to imagine seasoned Space Marines as being calm and calculating (y'know, since they don't know fear). I wanted to get the right balance between the appearance of a century-old warrior whose body has been grown to a tremendous size (his features being a bit small for his skull) all the while effectively catching bullets with his face, while still looking intelligent and quick-witted. I'm not a fan of "pretty" Marines like many of the characters in what I've played of Dawn of War II. It's really tough to depict age without, well, depicting age. If you make a Marine that looks too old then it looks a bit ridiculous, too young and it looks implausable.


Maybe one day I'll actually do a proper 40K picture, but in the mean time, I hope you like this little doodle.

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