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I was thinking about picking up some tacticals with bolters form the Black Reach set and making some generic Sternguard out of them. Are Sternguard with straight bolters the way to go or should I include a special weapon of some sort? What is a god number of bolter armed sterguard to have?


Also, if I did get some Black Reach bolter marines, what would be the simplest way to make them sterguard? paint their helmets white?

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The "tacticals" from AoBR have got the tactical arrow on their shoulders. You'll have to file that off first.


That said, literally the only thing that you need to do to designate a squad as "Sternguard" instead of tactical is to make sure that they have first company/veteran markings on them.


For Ultras that may be white helmets and white borders on the shoulder pads.


That's it. There's no mention in the fluff that their bolters are particularly special, or that their armor is ornate... nuthin'.


As far as loadout... that depends on you, your army, and your playstyle.


Drop podded ones generally run a lot of combi weapons.

Devastator lite run two heavy weapons.

I've seen some interesting things with heavy flamers and razorbacks.

And lots of people run them 'nekkid', with no upgrades.


The choice is yours.

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Get within range. Shoot.





Painting them with veteran marking (depends on chapter) is all you need to do, but you can also add bits or greenstuff...


I've converted some of my aobr marines to sword brethren in this way: http://img106.imageshack.us/img106/25/hpim0220.jpg

Just as an example...

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I wouldn't use the AoBR tacticals for Sternguard not only because of the tactical symbol, but also because their poses are extremely static. If you get a regular tactical box and mix in some bits, you can make some very nice looking Sternguard with not only nice bits and ornamentation, but also some dynamic poses. I have mine doing stuff like dual-wielding pistols and bolters, shooting with arms extended, or getting ready to chuck grenades, so they look more heroic and "veterany". Couple that with some purity seals, banners, etc, along with white helmets and trim (I'm an Ultra player), then you have some nice looking Sternguard on the cheap.


To the guy above me... nice GS work and paint job!

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All of my Sternguard are made with Dark Angels robed bodies. I had originally planned on putting all my sergeants in such robes, but during a conversion that called for me to sacrifice the unit I had been using as Sternguard, I found that you can buy ten Dark Angel Robed Bodies for $20 in the Dark Angels Chapter Conversion box. Pretty amazing price (since five of them cost $22 in the Veterans' box), though you'll need to provide your own bases.
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Well if you are doing ultra marines you can buy a gaunt box set and then attack their talons to the bolters like bayonettes and then cut off the vents on the backpacks and replace then with the heads of the gaunts. Works well with the tyrannic war vets.
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Personally i'm using sternguard with the following set-up:


10 Sternguard

Heavy flamer


2x combi-melta

1x combi-plasma

powerfist on sergeant (drop the boltpistol)



The unit turns out to be about 300 pts, but extreme hard-hitting on the turn it lands. With the droppod reduced-scatter rules, you will almost always be in rapid-fire range. 1 of these squads once managed to take down 4 nob bikers and doing an additional 2 wounds on the squad.


Grt. Pim

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300 points is a lot more then I was thinking. I was thinking 6 nekkind Sterngurd in a HB Razorback, maybe giving one of them a PW and melta bomb (or a PF) at most. After reading around a bit more I like the idea of rapid fire hellfire rounds to take down wraithlords and avatars and carnifexes and stuff. 2+ to wound? awesomeness.
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I normally just field mine as 10 strong, all stock in a drop pod. I typically drop them as close as I can to something that NEEDS to die. These guys are absolutely PERFECT for wiping out at least 1 lash prince in a dual lash list. They can also be used to destroy all the oblits in said lash list. As far as modeling them, I just bought a normal tactical box, built them all to look slightly different, with the added purity seals, etc. Each guy gets painted differently. Different designs on the helmet, different designs on the armour, etc. It's really the cheapest way to make a squad of these guys 10 strong.
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