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Locator Beacon


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Well, the more I look at this homing beacon the more I wonder why I never see it. It allows ALL deepstrike and teleport units to deploy within X number of inches of it? That is incredible! So far the only unit I see that has it though is the scout biker. Does a drop pod have this too?


I was thinking about how to use it with the scout biker. You could use the turbo boost scout move and get right up in the enemies face and the drop pod a unit, like a dread or sternguard, with precision and light em up. Or, you could position his so he is safe but close and deep strike Landspeeders and assault marines, or even vanguard with heroic intervention if you are good, on his position. That would cause panic among the enemy ranks.


I have never seen a scout biker yet, but the more I look at them the more I want one, well, actually 3. Anyone use these guys? Is there an actual homing beacon model or would we have to make one?

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I'm guessing you mean locator beacons?


I'm used them on my drop pods in the past. You really only need them on the first wave of pods. After that, everything else that deepstrikes can run off of those. Note that locator beacons do not help withpods that arrive on your first turn via Drop Pod Assault.


I haven't bought enough Scout Bikers to field a unit yet, though the potential uses of them with the beacon are numerous, as you mentioned.


Locator beacons are not required to be sculpted on the model. You can simply point at any little button or screen on a pod or bike and claim it's hard-wired into the systems of the vehicle. You just have to tell your opponent you have bought them as upgrades.

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Upgrade. 20 points, IIRC, though no codex in front of me.


There was some excitement early on when the codex was released about landing two drop pods with locater beacons, and then having librarians Gate of Infinity between them without ever having to worry about scatter.

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Its not exactly true that they dotn help for turn one pods, with infiltrate and scout move you can be within 12" of your enemy before turn one even begins, drop the pod in (is it 6") and unload the contents right infron of your enemy for rapid fire goodness, or if its a dread, even better :)



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Locator beacons are not required to be sculpted on the model. You can simply point at any little button or screen on a pod or bike and claim it's hard-wired into the systems of the vehicle. You just have to tell your opponent you have bought them as upgrades.



or you can create the most awesome thing ever to be seen by the likes of mankind!




btw, I belive the refrence to locator beacons not working first turn was intended that they where being used by drop pods, to land other drop pods (not with scouts... scouts they do work first turn, and then every one dies forever)

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Why would you need two of them?


The idea being that you drop the two pods 18-24" away from eachother in the middle of the table area, and it gives your librarian-assisted squads a huge area they can Gate of Infinity between. So you drop your guys near one of the pods; when your opponent mobilizes his force towards them, you gate to the other pod and continue plinking away. If you've got range on him and he isn't mobile enough to close the gap, he needs to his split his force, which is very bad for him.

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I can see that. Is that cheese?


Not really, as there's a bazillion things that can go wrong with the tactic. Failed Leadership for using the power, Perils of the Warp, bad scatter rolls, or a savvy opponent simply blowing up the pods with a missile launcher or lascannon shot.

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