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Tactica Rebuild: Flamers


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I'll be making a Tactica Rebuild series for the sake of searchy to find easily. A column of threads that may be minor repeats, but its just for the sake of being easy to find. "Tactica Rebuild:" will be the key words to find these. From here links to the subject and adjascent topics to the tactica rebuild are welcome in the thread. So now:




The use of a flame template weapon, or any template. Some of these, well perhaps most have a mode of speed to use. Be it from a transport, a set of wings or a jump pack (or otherwise flighty model) and bikes. They are not difficult to get into place if you are aware of their limitations.


Bad times to have a flamer:

Removing models just within charge range, notibly to tie them up and block line of sight.

Keeping models within reach if you do not want to force them to fall back, and be ready to charge.


Good times for a flamer:

Rapid firing models, or otherwise no-assault shooting.

Hitting difficult models in cover.

Stacking wounds on top of regular shooting to force special models to take saves (or become wounded outright).



Typical assistants to a flamer:

Lash of Submission // Pavane of SLaanesh // Callidus' "A Word in Your Ear".

Tank shocking in the middle of a unit, forcing models to group together.

Drop Pods "Guidance System" placing the transport right next to the enemy.


A speed mode beyond 6".


Situations that may hinder flamers:

Ord/powerful blast weapons (Scatter onto your flamers).

Tight spots in certain situations, forcing few models to be in LoS.

Being prepared for by spreading their units due to fear from blasts.

Being charged before its used.

Wanting to charge, while shooting may stop the charge.

Vehicles immune to the template hindering you.

+Various other situations best left to experience and imagination.



++As well, meltaguns are synergetic with flamers as they are complete opposites with similar range. For balance a meltagun may prove worthy in all its forms. (Inferno Pistol/Combi-Melta/Secondary weapon*chaos/SoB*) Bolters work even better if you want to avoid melee, but prefer to get close. Plasma pistols are nice with them but not suggested. Plasma guns in comparison have a different variety.


(If you can wound about 4 marines, you have basicly done near the same damage as a rapid fire plasma gun in most respects, math-hammer wise)


Hope you liked this, add more to the tactica if you wish. I'll be doing general weapons, starting with the flamer, I may do meltas next.

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