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lash list questions

Brother Swift

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Lash is a chaos (slaanesh) psychic power that lets your opponent move one of your units 2 d6 in any direction as long as it complies with the normal movement restrictions (ie - cant move you out of combat or out of unit coherrency etc)


What they do with it is to mainly move your troops into assault range of something like berserkers or chosen or something - some player move you off objectives with it or move you out of cover and bunch your models up and then put on a load of plasmacannon or vindicator shots onto your tightly packed unit - or they can make your unit form a congo line with your IC out the back or PF veteran sergeant and charge the other end so your characters and combat upgrades dont get to strike and thus making you loose combat with a major modifier as you have nothign to really swing back with...


Its a nasty thing - it has a 24' range though - same as psychic hoods - but if your army is mainly transported it wont have any effect until you hop out.. but you should kill the lash prince before or as you get out.. once it is dead, it cant cast anymore..

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Lash moves you.


Pushes your squad together to be blasted by an area weapon. (Flame/Ord/Small blast/other)

They pull you closer for faster assaults, most notibly the first turn assaults with 12" moving models.

Keeps your short range away from them, and with 2 lashes they can keep your melee away the entire game even if you move 12" a turn.


Anti Lash:

Turbo Boosting melee to tie them up. (Powerfists preferred here)

Being inside transports, cant be lashed.

Shooting them before they use it, making it so they have to pick the lesser sorcerer and hiding it inside a vehicle or large unit.

Being a pure long range army where you dont put anything close to him to be of use to his lash tactics.


That should cover most of it.

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Tournament cheese lash lists typically look like this:


Daemon Prince-Mark of Slaanesh, Wings, Lash.


Daemon Prince-Mark of Slaanesh, Wings, Lash.



2x-4x 7-10 Plague Marines-Champ w/PF, meltas or plas, all rhinos.




3-9 Obliterators -or- 3vindicators -or- 3 defilers (or any mix of the 3).


Typically, this list is used for 3 things: Lash the squads into cc with the Princes, Bunch the squads up and out of cover to drop templates on them, move squads off of objectives. I like the obliterator list the best because it allows the ability to pop transports quickly and efficiently. The plague marines do little more than sit on objectives and be really hard to get rid of. Fearless means they stick around to the last man.

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