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Conversions & WIPs

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Visit http://www.pygmalioncomplex.blogspot.com/ for mediocre conversion ideas (non-gaming, ergo never games-legal) & below-average painted miniatures.


Blog is updated rather irregularly though, in spurts. :P


In a bid not to run afoul of the forum rules, I'm not posting pics here. I have a massive accumulation of spare parts from a previous collection of Gundam model kits (i.e. non-Space Marine stuff) which I've been slowly working into my Space Marine conversions.

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Consider your blog watched, Shorts. Bookmarked. Thanks for the positive comments. Your Land Raider Exterminatus:awesome project. I was partly inspired to start creating the Land Raider Spartan variant after going through your thread although my conversion is definitely not as extensive as yours. Very apprehensive about cutting up a Land Raider with my kinda skills you see.
Liking the mass of head conversions, and those giant horns are fantastic, just feel sorry for the guy weilding that...

Well...hmm, y'know...he's kinda over-compensating for ahem something. :Troops:


That particular helm is for my chief sorcerer whose a deft hand with magicky stuff. And since he hardly engages in close combat but strolls around the battlefield magically blasting enemy soldiers to magical bits, it's quite alright for him to wear something that clunky.


@ Karitas: What's your blog address?

Consider yourselves watched :Troops:


I only just got inot the whole blog thing myself, now i never know where to post or update :Elite: here or there


Truth be told, I would post on the blog, then update something here, like this thread. Say something like... "blog updated!" because you can only do Power Armor things here...so it kind of constricts postage...

Nice little blog you got going there, I really like your Chaos Space Marine helmet conversions, they look very nicely executed.

Thank you for the positive comments, Darth Potato.


My aim is to make the most unique one-of-a-kind army with conversions that are plasticard-less, green stuff-less & wasting as little material from the bits box as possible.

I'll follow your nifty little blog! Here's mine if you wanna take a peek! Although you've seen the most recent stuff! ;)

Woot. My blog is now nifty. ;)


Thanks Megalodon. I got your blog bookmarked and peeked.


Truth be told, I would post on the blog, then update something here, like this thread. Say something like... "blog updated!" because you can only do Power Armor things here...so it kind of constricts postage...

Sound advice, Shorts. I think I'll do that.

Cool conversions. The combination of loyalist and traitor bits really works a lot better than I would have expected. I shall visit your site quite regularly, too. And yes, it is a lot more nifty than the blogs you can have here, but I prefer them because they are easier to use. Take a look at mine if you like.

My Blog adress


Only just started, as i thought i'd try and keep it specifically for the DH army project. but i've put a few other pictures on there.


I think you're right shorts, update that and link to it from other fora. i basically have three things on the boil, an ultras army here (which is part of the call) a new DH army on the boil, and a Bloodaxe ork army i post about on the waagh.


It's pnly looking at posts like this that you realise there is so much vreativity out there that cant be covered by a wip thread. thanks for this post, for bringing them to light for me :)

Cool. Bloggers unite!


Has anyone gotten a gander at the new Sentinel sprues yet? I got my pre-order (2 sentinels in fact) a week back & it's fantastic: tons of spare weapons, very useful for those wanting to build obliterators; the heavy flamer looks just right for sternguard vets with a bit of work.


But my favourite bit has to be the massive chainblade for chainblading people. Small update: http://pygmalioncomplex.blogspot.com/

  • 3 weeks later...

Man, you are a convertin' fool!


Even though your focus is rather heretical, I did see some excellent ideas that could be used for the "forces of good and niceness" (cookie to the one who figures out the quote).


I'm looking forward to seeing the your army grow.



Those conversions are ace. I especially like the guy with the double-haded axe - his pose is awesome, and you chose the perfect head for him

Thanks Haelaeif! Funny you should mention that; I happened to rummage through my bits box & came across a helmet that I had ruined a few months back. In a bid to salvage it, I converted up the current helmet & from there on, it was the helmet that actually decided what it wanted its body to be like. I'm glad you like it. :D


and the one preparing for the chainsaw massacre. What bit is that last guy's face grill from?

Are you referring to the chainsaw massacre termie? The face grill was taken from the chaos biker rebreather head & grafted onto a slightly shaved-down space marine helmet salvaged from a chaos trophy rack.


Man, you are a convertin' fool!


Even though your focus is rather heretical, I did see some excellent ideas that could be used for the "forces of good and niceness" (cookie to the one who figures out the quote).


I'm looking forward to seeing the your army grow.



Ah, the great Honda-sensei! You honour me by gracing this humble thread with your comments. Thanks for the encouraging remarks, Honda. I do hope that my army can grow to the fully-painted stature of your excellent Apocalypse Lords in time.


Well, I think I'm on some sort of roll today. Blog updated again with more veteran assault marines; I'm hazarding a guess that you guys might like the marine swinging the morning-star. http://pygmalioncomplex.blogspot.com/

  • 4 weeks later...


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