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Tactica Rebuild: Meltas


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Hello and welcome. This is the second part of the Rebuild Tactica series made for the sake of being easy to find by the searchy and player-added links of usefulness. (And notible story/fluff if desired) Again, to find these inside the forgotten halls of "Page2+" all you need to do is type "Tactica Rebuild:" into the BnC search engine located on the top right of the webpage directly under the websites banner.


Meltas. (Edited, added more content)


Melta weapons with a high AP value that negates all armor saves while its strength capable of instant killing a toughness 4 and below model makes for a powerful weapon. Its short range makes it almost a requirement to move to use, great along side bolters and pistols. Primarily a weapon used right before assault, krak and melta grenades for vehicles get used while frags get used assaulting infantry. A very combined arms, and "what if" situational gun to add to any unit in any of its forms (Inferno/Combi-Melta/etc). Its major drawback being its limited range.


Bad times to have a meltagun:

Shooting at targets beyond 12", namely stationary 13+ inch firing models.

Hitting models with a good Inv or Cover save.

Keeping models within reach if you do not want to force them to fall back, and be ready to charge.

Keeping the meltagun in front when you want to remove models to stop someone from charging you after suffering shooting casualties.

Horde armies where the top toughness is 4 or so.


Good times to have a meltagun:

Being on the move.

Firing at larger targets of most types.

Facing vehicle and instant death viable armies.

As a scare tactic to potentially spread firepower.



Typical assistants to a melta:

Lash of Submission // Pavane of SLaanesh // Callidus' "A Word in Your Ear". (big stuff being lashed/pavaned)

Deep strike.

Drop Pods "Guidance System" placing the transport right next to the enemy.


A speed mode beyond 6".


Situations that may hinder meltas:

Ord/powerful blast weapons (Scatter onto your meltas).

Being beyond intended range due to model congestion.

Being charged before its used.

Wanting to charge, while shooting may stop the charge.

Being forced to pick difficult targets as most units come with few melta weapons.

+Various other situations best left to experience and imagination.





A fine weapon to use if drop pods or speed is a key element when you have this weapon availible to you. In the form of dreadnoughts they pack a nice punch for an advancing unit/model that can fire them, attack bikes/land speeders etc.


Advisory in addition to it being a heavy weapon.

-Use when you consider bolter range the best range, using 24" weaponry such as Plasma Guns and other 24" engagement situations.

-Better then a krak missile, and even superior to a chainfist if you can move and shoot it.

-Not a good weapon to use if you depend on it and place it inside a unit that cant fire it most of the game.

-Great weapon for "what if" situations and you want to get the job done, most likely inside mobile tactical squads.

-Devistators make use of this weapon utilising transports to get within bolter range/combat squadding/drop podding closer.

-Land Speeders, Dreadnoughts, Attack Bikes, Pintle-Land Raider, Older Razorbacks all with move and shoot ability makes this weapon superior to most in tank hunting inside its effective range and adds nearly 1/3rd the kill rate if you get within 1/2 range compared to lascannons.

-Not advised for an army that prefers long range engagements where the average range is 48".

-A weapon that can always see use with an aggressive playstyle.

(End of the Edit)


++As well flamer weapons have synergetic weapons combinations, most being flamers and plasma. These weapons, and any similar cousins in other codexes all can either pypass armor or aid in massing wounds where the melta has its drawbacks against horde.


(Instant death is a invaluable use, since the majority of multi-wound models encountered are toughness 4 or below)


I will be covering plasma weapons next, including the plasma cannon. As always please add any helpful info and links or discuss uses for others to benefit from. Thanks again.


++I think when I am done, I'll add a link to each thread in an edit, that leads straight to the search results of the entire series. So any ideas on this - toss 'em my way. =)

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