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I'm a new player in love with Killhammer


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Hey all,


Like I said, I'm a new player, and I'm absolutely loving the Killhammer theory. By new, I mean I've never played a game and I have only the most basic of a grasp on the rules, but enough of one that I can see how good a theory Killhammer is. I have two questions:


1. How old is Killhammer, and does anyone know who came up with it?


2. I play Space Marines (more specifically Blood Angels, but I don't want to play with BA specific rules), and I haven't assembled an army yet; I'm wondering if you might help me with an army list. Based on my grasp of the rules, my grasp of the Killhammer theory, and the units that I like best, I want to build a fast attack-based army, with enough support that it can at least start to take a beating. Suggestions for 500pt armies up to 2500pts would be awesome, since I want to be able to play anything in between.


The units I have right now are these:

-Assault on Black Reach (I'm assuming y'all know what's in there)

-One Combat squad, minus three men (casualties of bad painting and experimentation)

-One Tactical squad

-One Assault squad (five men)

-One old metal Scout with missile launcher

-One jump-pack Chaplain

-One Terminator Chaplain


Any thoughts at all would be greatly appreciated.

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Warp Angel is master of all things Killhammer. You should do a search in the forums for Killhammer and read the various articles to gain more understanding.
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Hey all,


Like I said, I'm a new player, and I'm absolutely loving the Killhammer theory. By new, I mean I've never played a game and I have only the most basic of a grasp on the rules, but enough of one that I can see how good a theory Killhammer is. I have two questions:


1. How old is Killhammer, and does anyone know who came up with it?


2. I play Space Marines (more specifically Blood Angels, but I don't want to play with BA specific rules), and I haven't assembled an army yet; I'm wondering if you might help me with an army list. Based on my grasp of the rules, my grasp of the Killhammer theory, and the units that I like best, I want to build a fast attack-based army, with enough support that it can at least start to take a beating. Suggestions for 500pt armies up to 2500pts would be awesome, since I want to be able to play anything in between.


The units I have right now are these:

-Assault on Black Reach (I'm assuming y'all know what's in there)

-One Combat squad, minus three men (casualties of bad painting and experimentation)

-One Tactical squad

-One Assault squad (five men)

-One old metal Scout with missile launcher

-One jump-pack Chaplain

-One Terminator Chaplain


Any thoughts at all would be greatly appreciated.


Killhammer was my idea. And thank you for the compliment.


500 points is a bad spot for Marines. You're essentially a weak HQ and two tactical squads at that point. I hate playing sub 1000 point games with Marines... there's not a whole lot of flexibilities.


To be completely honest, based upon your collection above, there's not a whole lot of flexibility in your army choices. Your collection needs to expand in order to truly maximize killhammer potential.


I've found bikes (as troops) to be the best unit in the game. Best scoring unit K by a long shot, amazing overall D, and S about as high as you can get.

-- This will require getting a total of 9 bikes and 1 attack bike (Captain on bike, 8 bikes, 1 attack bike). By amazing coincidence, this can be accomplished by buying two boxes: The Ravenwing box (you don't have to model the DA bits), and the bike box.

-- That also gives you another useful unit: The land speeder typhoon.


I love me a Land Raider Crusader. It's great for transporting terminators, vanguard vets without packs, command squads ready for close combat, and is amazing at anti-horde AND good at anti-vehicle (don't forget your multi-melta).


Tactical squads need transports. If you don't have them, get them. I usually go with one rhino for the first tactical and a razorback for the second, but that's personal preference.

-- There's no reason to not buy a razorback. By not gluing down the top hatch, you can switch between them without having to learn any complicated modeling tricks. You get the flexiblity of being able to play with either one based upon the list you have.


Sternguard are cool.

-- Any space marine (with the exception of the ones from Assault on Black Reach - they have a tactical symbol modeled on a shoulder pad) can be Sternguard. They literally just have to have a different paint job to distinguish them from ordinary guys. White helmets in the case of Ultras represent vets. Some others have hands of different colors, or different trim on the shoulder pads. In games where you aren't playing sternguard, you can treat them as tacticals from a "different company" and nobody will even care.


In general, you want to field full squads whenever possible, except for terminators, who should be sized to fit in your Land Raider.


But as a new player, you're probably going to want to figure out your playstyle before making a ton of purchases. The goal is to have fun. I've been playing for more than 20 years, and I have the luxury of a decent income... I can afford all the toys on a "buy before you try" basis. I DON'T recommend you do this. Start by 'proxying' models, or borrowing what you want to play with. Just about everyone outside of a tournament will be willing to work with you this way, especially since you're a new player.


Anyone who isn't isn't someone you probably want to be playing with while you learn anyway.


Just make sure that the models are the same approximate size (ie using a rhino for a vindicator) to make playing easier. Working out in advance what is what with your opponent and making it clear is important. Yellow post-its might work to keep both you and them from becoming confused. Just move them around the table near the unit or stick them to the vehicle.


Good luck and welcome.

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Your mum? I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist that sarcastic response :P


I'll echo Warp Angel's advice on trying things out before you really go in the deep end. Especially since one of the big tenets in Killhammer is that everyone will value S differently according to their playstyle.

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