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my finished Ultramarines

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i'm sorry but i can't get a link up

anyways go to my website at www.marshalsburrow.webs.com , then go to photo albums , then to my space marines !

i apologize again for the link not being here :(

i could use some critisizm!!! :) ( if i spelled that right )

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Your models are pretty neatly painted, no doubt. Looks like you have some good, solid colours on your marines.

However, let me offer you some constructive criticism.

Some of your colours come off as a little flat, and that is easily fixed. If you look into shading and highlighting (there are A LOT of tutorials around the net and here especially), your marines will improve immensely. You can even get some washes that will shade your models instantly.


Also, some of your paints seem a bit too thick some places. You should thin your paints so that they flow much easier over your models. And if they don't cover, give it another thin layer.


Also, a tip for doing metal. First, paint it black, let it dry, then drybrush a metal colour over. It will look very realistic.


Be sure to post more of your stuff when it's done!

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in my opinion they do seem kind of "animated" in the sense there isn't much depth to them and kind of bright. Don't take it the wrong way, because they aren't bad at all, but take a look at some tutorials and give them a shot. I just recently did my best model (you saw the Templar) to date because of a quick short beginner tutorial (with my own splash of style on it) so they are truly invaluable tools for even seasoned painters. I can't wait to watch painting improve upon you Captain Kantor!
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It is a good start, but I don't really think the robes are that Ultramariney. Ultramarines are noted for two things: Generic and Bling. Robes tend to be more a Dark Angels thing, and to me their just blue Dark Angels. Right now I would also look into washes. Instant shading would bring some depth to the models and be a great improvement.
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thank you :P

well with the robes, those were dark angels guys. i was starting a dark angels army but stopped. and my white is terribly see through , which is terrible, so I'm going to do a robe with fortress gray, ( i think thats what's it's called )

some of those guys I'm not really done with.

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