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Heresy era true scale Word Bearers

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Inspired by the blogs of Migsula, Apologist and Synapse (over at Warseer) I've decided to give true scale Space Marines a shot. I've always been fond of the Word Bearers and with the Horus Heresy novels they seem to have truly become the villains of the 40k universe.


With the pre-Heresy stuff out there I felt that that would be interesting to do as well, but the thing is that I wanted a bit more than "normal" looking Marines, I would like to see some skulls, chains, scrolls and lets face it, the daemonic head icon looks way cooler than a book with a flame in it! ~8) So why not combine both ideas, hence the Heresy era Word Bearers were born. As a sort of tribute to Apologist's Ultramarines, these Word Bearers are going to be part of the force that invaded Calth. I have been pondering about including Marduk and Burias from Dark Apostle/Disciple in it, but I'm not 100% sure about that one yet.


I will simply create with what I have, and will not really look at rules or game play, this is supposed to be a fully modelling project (fluff coming later).


I currently will start with the following:


Word Bearers Veteran Coterie:

-Sergeant Charon: bolter and lightening claw

-Battle Brother: bolter

-Battle Brother: bolter and chainsword

-Battle Brother: missile launcher and auspex

-Battle Brother: bolter


Dark Mechanicus allies:

-Hysminai: heavy bolter and chainsword

-Cycnus: multi-melta


I still need to add names and stories to all those things. Might add a few more Dark Mechanicus stuff later on. I also want to include a unit of 10-20 Traitor Guardsmen, these will be converted from Icesword's Red Guard models by Troll Forged Miniatures. I will need to look through my bitboxes I have somewhere at my parents' house to see what I've got left, might include a Dreadnought or a tank if I still got them! Cultists will also come, but so far I haven't found anything worthy. I want them to look like...well skinny, practically naked (loincloths only) and kind of running scared or praying...true cannon fodder!


But yeah, here are the first...veeeeeeeery WIP pictures, they still need well...everything basically. Need to lengthen the legs with 1mm or 2mm, greenstuff needs to be added to fill the gaps, create the torsos and so on, paint needs to be removed, details added, etc etc etc. They are currently to sort of get an idea for their poses/looks/etc.














Sergeants' new head:







Next to a human sized model:














There isn't much I can say besides good luck at the moment. Though Word Bearers aren't villains. Their just the first Legion to finally figure out the sin of their ways and the folly of following the false emperor. If anything their heroes.
I meant that they seem like villains in the Horus Heresy novels, as for if they are actual villains...that's debatable, personally I like the idea that Lorgar believed humanity could only be saved/perfected/enlightened if they embraced the Warp and that this could be done through worship. Doesn't make them villains really, just fanaticals with a different interpretation on how to deal with things.

They still need to be...well basically everything, this was just to kind of see what I've got so far (bits wise) and some ideas for poses. The gaps still need to be filled with greenstuff, the legs need to be lengthened a bit, the chests need to be expanded. Word Bearer like stuff (chaos bits) need to be added, then the paintjob.


That Cycnus guy made me seriously go "Wat".

As in how horrible or how twisted he looks like? :devil: I still need to figure something out for the head/neck since it looks really odd/wrong there, but that is where the green stuff comes in.

Been wondering when you were gonna post these. Nice bitzmashes so far - truescale's always a plus, but the Dark Mech stuff really looks great. The chicken-head dude is... interesting. :devil: Happy converting - can't wait to see what you do with these. The world needs more PH Word Bearers.


On the subject of heroes and villains... yeah, I gave up trying to morally polarize 40k long ago. :)

Chickenhead is indeed a bit off, need to file a bit off the helmet to make it look as if that mouth is actually fusing with the helmet without that tiny one tenth of a millimetre sticking out which gives it this chicken effect. Or maybe use some green stuff. :)


Started working on the fourth marine, he is armed with a bolter and is in a firing position. He has unique shoulderpads which have been made from Ork armour plates (from the 3rd edition Ork boys set) and the shoulders from the old Chaos Warrior multi-part kit.


The last marine will also be carrying a bolter in the shooting position, probably a lefty, he will probably be running as well since I noticed I chopped the Terminator legs a couple of years ago.

Small update:


Started working on the fourth Word Bearer, I wanted him to have a different look, hence I constructed different shoulderpads.





I also reworked some of the bolters and made a new one as well:



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