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Getting the most out of Obliterators and Termicide squads...


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Thanks to the advice of fellow followers of the Chaos Gods on the army list board, I've finally decided on an army for a 1500 point game against Loyalist marines... I'm pretty new to 40k, so still finding my feet and getting used to the strengths and weaknesses of various units.


My current army has, as it's core anti-tank section, the following units:


x 2 Obliterators

x 2 Obliterators

x 3 Chaos Terminators, all with combi-meltas

x 3 Chaos Terminators, all with combi-meltas


Can't wait to get them on the board and try 'em out, but looking to get some tactical advice first, so I don't make a total fool of myself :lol:


I've used oblits in a few games, with some success, but not four of them at a time. The rest of my army is made up of 2 Daemon Princes (one slan/lash, the other nurgle/warptime), and three squads of CSMs in rhinos. No other vehicles. Pretty sure that my opponent is gonna field a Land Raider, or at least a pred/vindicator.


So, how best do I use my obliterators and terminators? I see people raving about the termicide squad, but I really have no idea how best to use them. As for the obliterators, should I get both pairs on the table from the start to blast away with lascannons at range, or deepstrike them in to shock my opponent?


If you folks have any ideas about how a new player can get the most out of these units, please let me know! Cheers!

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As someone who regularaly faces Chaos (1/2 the players at my club are chaos and I am getting pretty sick of playing them to tell you the truth) I can tell you now to ignore the terminators and just focus on bringing 2 x 3 Obliterators.


Trust me when I tell you that played correctly, this will be all the anti armour and anit TEQ you will ever need. These things are 2 Wound Terminators which shoot a boggling amount of heavy fire. Dont want to bitch too much about them but there is a reason why I have never faced off against a Chaos player who does not have any.


The couple of tactics I have seen with obliterators are as follows:


Mainly hoard with a few Rhinos - Put them on the board


Fully MEQ with Chaos Icons - Deep Strike them


Thats all you need. Chaos marines are tough enough to weather fire long enough for the icon bearers to survive so you wont need to worry about the obliterators scattering. If you put them on the board from the off and use them as Lascannons then they do some fairly good sniping but most heavy armour isnt going to stay still and will advance to you. This is when they shine, multi melta and twin linked meltas are rotten on the other side of them.


Terminators on their own with combi meltas just cant compete with the durability and flexibility of Obliterators. I presume that they are Elite rather than HS but even still you shouldnt really consider Terminators because the Oblits will take out most of the enemy armour for you and then you are left with a suicide troop for no real tactical application.




PS sorry about the bitching about Chaos, just getting annoyed with the lack of imagination with my clubs members (all have 2 Deamon Princes, all have Obliterators and most fill the rest with Plague Marines - makes for a very dull campaign when all the good guys get sick of playing different people but the same army)

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I can understand your frustration at having to play against the same army week in, week out. I don't play in a gaming club as such, just a group of four guys, all playing different armies (Eldar, Chaos, Space Marines and Tau). As we usually play multiplayer random-mission games, we all pretty much playing different army lists every week - we're all competitive, but it's definitely more about having fun trying different combos of units. We'll be starting a campaign soon, so i'm going to have to come up with a more fluff-based army. At the moment, I'm still just trying to work out how to play the game successfully!


All the times I've used oblits so far, I've mainly had them as lascannon snipers, so I'm liking your advice about deepstriking them.

As for the termicide squads, I do see your reasoning. Hope some Chaos players who are fans of the termicide approach spot this post and provide an opposing argument though :P

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So, any other players have an opinion on this?


I'm very tempted to go for the 3 x2 Obliterator approach, but I'm still undecided. I'd love to give the Termicide squads a go, as I've seen lots of Chaos players recommend them on the army list board. Plus, having the extra models on the table appeals to me! After giving it some thought - here's what I am looking to do with the original setup of 2 x2 Oblits and x2 termicide squads:


- One Oblit squad deployed from the start. Principally using lascannons at range to take out enemy armour, and switch to plasmacannons to take out tactical marines / scouts if necessary.


- Deepstrike both termicide squads, plus the other Oblit squad, aiming for maximum devastation on the enemy! Oblits to target troops on objectives (if necessary), with termicides taking on anti-tank duty.


I'm a new player, so I haven't yet had the chance to see another Chaos player in action with these units. Is this approach the best, and if not, how should I be playing them to truly make the most out of their capabilities?

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