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Help against Eldar


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I have an upcoming 1750 point game against Eldar tomorrow and I need some advice. I've searched around and found some useful tips but I'd like some help with what to use. I know for a fact that he will be using:


Wraithlord with Missile Launcher and Bright Lance

Wraithlord with Wraithsword and Starcannon

Farseer with 3 Warlock

10 Dire Avengers with Exarch and Bladestorm

5 Dark Reapers with Exarch and Tempest Launcher, Crack Shot and Fast Shot

5 Striking Scorpions with Exarch, Scorpion Claw, Move Through Cover and Infiltrate

5 Pathfinders

5 Warp Spiders with Exarch with Powerblades, Hit and Run

5 Warp Spiders with Exarch with Spinnerett Rifle, Hit and Run


Autarch with Fusion Gun, Warp Pack, Powerweapon, Haywire Grenades, Forceshield


I was thinking of using:

2 Dreadnoughts with Lascannons

10 Assault Marines

5 Assault Terminators but I am considering using Tactical Terminators with Assault Cannon and Cyclone Launcher

2 Full Tac Squads with Lascannons

3 Scout Bikers with Cluster Mines, Grenade Launchers and Locator Beacons

Possible 10 Devastators with Missile Launchers.


I'm not really sure what else to field. I want to use the Scout Bikers to Deep Strike in my Termies and Assault Marines where I want. The Lascannons to take down the Wraithlords, they did well at this last time I played him plus I can chuck a Dread at his Scorpions. Not sure on HQ yet, either Captain or Chaplain with my Assault Marines. I have a Dakka Predator, Sniper Scouts with ML and Telion, Lysander, Terminator Librarian, Land Raider Phobos, Land Raider Crusader, Thunderfire Cannon and a Terminator Chaplain. I drew with him last time where I made a grave tactical error with my Assault Terminators and Lysander, I deepstriked them in the wrong place and they got shot to death by his Warp Spiders.


His 10 Warp Spider scare me, so does his Autarch. I'm going to use my Assault Marines to take down his Reapers and hopefully Spiders.


Does anyone have any advice to give me?


Thank you for any response.

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just make sure you keep away from his Dire Avengers, he will undoubtedly cast guide on them and doom on the squad he wants to kill, allowing him to reroll both to hit and to wound rolls.


this will allow him to with bladestorm fire 32 shots(five of which will be at bs5) so he'll probably 29 hits on you, with 3/4 of them hits hitting. meaning you'll probably take 22 wounds on a single squad in one turn. that will probably kill seven power armoured troops, possibly more if you roll below average.


luckily his list isnt really monster powerful, he's foot slogging far to much and with two wraithlords and that many infantry he really should have an avatar to cause fearlessness, use this to your advantage.

A whirlwind or two will be fantastic for taking out his footslogging infantry(eldar only become really mobile when mounted in wave serpents, which he only has one) For the record, Wave Serpents are dedicated transports, do you know what unit it will be transporting?


blow up the Scorpions at range, make sure you get the drop on the Dire avengers( dont let them shoot at you, it will be painful) also his anti armour is pretty piece meal, he may have a bright lance on the wave serpent, but if he doesnt then his only AT will be his wraithlords, and his Auturch. Exploit this and field some heavy armour, he'll have trouble dealing with it. Infact a Landraider Crusader delivering assault terminators into his ranks would be really hard for him to deal with, just make sure you hit his wraithlords with AP3 2 or 1 weaponry, as they only have 3 plus saves.

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just make sure you keep away from his Dire Avengers, he will undoubtedly cast guide on them and doom on the squad he wants to kill, allowing him to reroll both to hit and to wound rolls.


this will allow him to with bladestorm fire 32 shots(five of which will be at bs5) so he'll probably 29 hits on you, with 3/4 of them hits hitting. meaning you'll probably take 22 wounds on a single squad in one turn. that will probably kill seven power armoured troops, possibly more if you roll below average.


luckily his list isnt really monster powerful, he's foot slogging far to much and with two wraithlords and that many infantry he really should have an avatar to cause fearlessness, use this to your advantage.

A whirlwind or two will be fantastic for taking out his footslogging infantry(eldar only become really mobile when mounted in wave serpents, which he only has one) For the record, Wave Serpents are dedicated transports, do you know what unit it will be transporting?


blow up the Scorpions at range, make sure you get the drop on the Dire avengers( dont let them shoot at you, it will be painful) also his anti armour is pretty piece meal, he may have a bright lance on the wave serpent, but if he doesnt then his only AT will be his wraithlords, and his Auturch. Exploit this and field some heavy armour, he'll have trouble dealing with it. Infact a Landraider Crusader delivering assault terminators into his ranks would be really hard for him to deal with, just make sure you hit his wraithlords with AP3 2 or 1 weaponry, as they only have 3 plus saves.

He'll be putting his Dark Reapers in the Wave Serpent. I have four Lascannon's in my list and 4 Missile Launchers so I can take down his Wraithlords good enough. I did consider a Land Raider, I'm just a bit worried cos he'll add in some more Bright Lances but I suppose if I kill the Bright Lances...

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Have you considered running the Dev Squad as Sternguard?


You can get two cheap Lascannons in there or even cheaper missile launchers. Ok you can only have 2 and they are hitting the same however the Stern are also good at taking down the Wraithlord (Hellfire all the way) and their Kraken rounds will eat through Aspect Warriors 4+ armour whilst wounding on 3+.


I dont like taking AV14 against Eldar because their Bright Lances make it ultra expensive AV12 ;) If you are planning on deepstriking then use normal Terminators, the Assault ones will just be avoided and will probably be picked off from long range shooting.


Get some rhinos in order to get in closer to them. They dont like short range gunfire against marines in my experience.


At least the aspect warrior units will be small and therefore easier to kill. Remember to concentrate fire on targets, even though you are wounding Eldar on 3+ usually they come in transports which are damn difficult to take out.



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Played against Eldar last night.



10 Dire Avengers with Exarch

5 Dark Reapers with Exarch

5 Striking Scorpions

5 Pathfinders

5 Pathfinders

2 Guardian squads of 10 each





Wraithsomething (walker)


The scenario aided me to get in close fast, and I just outshot them. Sternguard are very important with their ignore cover rounds and AP4 rounds. The scorpions, reapers vypers and banshees and walker were tought to beat with their 3+ saves. By running in close, and getting my two dev squads and Vindicator to work, I was able to pretty much wipe them out in 6 turns. What little HTH there was was bad for me - the walker is a "mostrous creature T8" so you need PFs to hurt it. The Banshees ar I5/6, and tho S3 are AP2 power weapons. Bad for termies!


Good luck!

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As I play Eldar I can try to give you a couple suggestions.


I would say your main priority would be to take out his Bright Lance/ EML Wraithlord, if you are going heavy armor or the spiders with the Autarch. The lascannons will do well against the wraithlords, because you actually have a chance to wound and the armor pen goes through them (no inv save either).


Spiders are nasty, but Termies should be fine against them. They get wounds, but the AP of their weapons is -, so your 2+ save is more than enough. The only 2 characters in that unit you will need to worry about is the Autarch with fusion weapon and the Exarch with spinneret rifle because those 2 weapons will force you to make Inv saves. The real key to fighting them is fire distance, unload enough on them and they will break easy because of the small unit size. As for you trying to use Assault unit on them, it will be hard because they will just jump shoot jump to keep out of your assault distance.


If you decide to add the land raider, have that go straight for the DA and pop some assault terminators at the Dire Avengers before they can bladestorm. I say use them instead of assault unit because the DA have 18" range with their weapons, which means they will get a shot in before you assault... and if they bladestorm with guide and doom it won't look pretty.


And the last thing that you really need to worry about are his reapers, in which you can either use your assault squad against. They suck in close combat, and your guys will wipe the floor with them.


Pop the snipers with the scout bikes, they are weak once you get in their face.


You can either counter charge with the dread against the scorpions, or just rapid fire them... a squad of 5 will be blown away.


As far as adding anything, land raider and a termie chaplain.


Hope this helps.

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