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Perfect Enough? Flawless Host WIP log

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Thanks Ghaust!


Here's the beginning of my Sorcerer. As you can see, he's based off Lucious, and has Azrael's sword as his force weapon. I haven't named him yet, but in my mind he's very old and still has some of his original crusade-era gear. So he's going to get an Iron Warrior head with a tassel. Partly this is just an excuse to use those awesome heads, but i think its going to look awesome and give him a more grim/stern commanding look. I've just got through switching the plasma pistol off the EC lord's right arm for a bolt pistol. Next up i'm replacing the bottom vents on the backpack with those spawn talons. I was waffling on using the winged backpack for awhile, but i just don't have a better option for them. But with some conversion i feel better about it. I was thinking of tattering them up a bit, but decided to leave them complete as they will give me the surface area to do the freehand that i won't have room to do on the main body due to lucious having so much detail already.




As always, let me know what you think.


EDIT: On a related note, i'm trying to test some poses for this guy but i have no way of getting him to stay in them. Can anybody recommend some non-drying putty stuff? I've heard the name Blue Tac before, is that what i should be looking for?

Here's some more on the sorcerer. I greenstuffed him a high collar (his old one got hacked off along with lucious's head). Its still a bit organic, but once it is dry i can file it a bit.


I've stuck him together except for the sword arm to give an idea of the pose. Could really use some feedback on this guy.






Second pic came out a bit blurry, but i'm not trying to see detail here so it doesn't matter.

I like him so far but I would use something else for his force weapon – something associated with Slaanesh like a whip, scimitar or sickle. You could also give him a psychic hood and some books/scrolls/fetishes so he could be easily identified as a sorcerer.
I like him so far but I would use something else for his force weapon – something associated with Slaanesh like a whip, scimitar or sickle. You could also give him a psychic hood and some books/scrolls/fetishes so he could be easily identified as a sorcerer.


I actually am staying away from a more slaaneshi styled weapon on purpose, as i don't feel it fits the theme. I see the flawless host as being more military minded and worshipping Slaanesh as the aspect of perfection, the sin that originally caused the fall of the Emperor's Children. This sorcerer isn't a psycho pleasure seeker, he's a level headed military commander. He's probably using the same sword that he carried as a sergeant of the Emperor's children back during the crusade, hence the eagle iconography being appropriate. I also just like swords a lot, and i especially like Azrael's as i feel it is actually a decent size. Most of the power swords, especially the plastic ones, feel too small to me.

And here's the latest on the sorcerer. Body and head are pretty much done. I might re-visit the red and give it more depth. Pistol arm is also mostly done but won't be attached till i have the sword arm done too. I've been experimenting with a slightly different tone on my flesh colors. Previously i had been using elf flesh mixed with white with a badab black wash, but i think this was making it a bit too gray. Now i've been experimenting with elf flesh mixed with white with a watered down Flesh Wash (the old one). I did it a bit too dark in some areas (the legs) and so might re-do it, but i think its working better than the black overall.








Alright got the sorc's arms finished up. I need opinions on the force weapon. I did the effect on the top first, but i think it came out better on the bottom so i included a pic (although is a bit blurry). I'm thinking of re-doing it, so help me make up my mind.










While the painting and modeling are great, the colour scheme seems to be a little busy. I know the colours of the Flawless Host but it just seems a little overdone in this case. I think you would get something more striking with a little less effort :D
While the painting and modeling are great, the colour scheme seems to be a little busy. I know the colours of the Flawless Host but it just seems a little overdone in this case. I think you would get something more striking with a little less effort ;)


This has been something that has come up several times now with my scheme. The other day i was showing them to a friend for the first time and he said "I like it a lot, but isn't it a little busy?" We both stopped and stared at each other for a second, and then almost in unison said "Well it is Slaanesh!"


So yes, the scheme is very busy. And that is very much on purpose. From a pure artistic perspective does that detract? Yes a bit. But from the perspective of making Slaanesh marines its right on track. Slaanesh marines paint themselves extremely bright and clashing colors. Realistically they would be a ton of different neon colors with bazarre designs. We just don't paint them that way because it doesn't actually look good. But i still feel compelled to at least have them be busy models. Thanks for the critique though :D

The Sorcerer is Finished! I think in the end i lost some quality on the wings, but white is a pain enough to paint at the best of times. And when its small freehand that is most certainly the worst of times, so the 3 coats i gave it is enough i think! This is a tabletop quality army after all (i just say that so i can stop myself from spending hours obsessing over tiny details that can only be seen close up).













As always, CC appreciated.

It is very flattering to know that others find my work inspirational.


Coming up next is the second doom siren champion. After that its either the oblits, noise marine squad, or a defiler. I am undecided so far.

  • 3 weeks later...
Your Slaanesh marines look excellent, and the sorceror is a worthy commander to be sure, but I think the white markings you've freehanded (quite neatly, I might add) on the wings seem a little flat; they kind of wash out the texture of the wings. A really thin wash of a fleshtone, or a really thin Payne's Grey wash applied along the creases in the wings would really make the markings "pop", in my opinion, bringing out the texture more and adding to the leathery character you've established so well with your fleshtones on the wings.

Aye, i've been considering what to wash them with for awhile. The washes i have at the moment are badab black and sepia and some colored ones, none of which i've been comfortable with trying over freehand that took that much time and was that tedious. Is Payne's Grey a GW wash? Haven't heard of it. I'm going to the shop tomorrow though so i'll see about picking it up.



But for now, i've taken a few WIP shots of the second doom siren champion.








Possessed legs, torso and head from noise marine box, metal lord's doomsiren, possessed claw arm, Lucious's sword arm. Just got the base and sword arm left to paint, so should have that finished later on.

Aye, i've been considering what to wash them with for awhile. The washes i have at the moment are badab black and sepia and some colored ones, none of which i've been comfortable with trying over freehand that took that much time and was that tedious. Is Payne's Grey a GW wash? Haven't heard of it. I'm going to the shop tomorrow though so i'll see about picking it up.


Payne's Grey is an artist's color. It looks like a really dark grey, and it's either a mix of ultramarine (the artist color, not, y'know, Smurf) and sienna or ultramarine and black. Especially in the case of the ultramarine/sienna mix, it shades colors really well because it's not actually grey or black pigments, but instead earthy and bluish tones. Check out this article on DakkaDakka.


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