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Perfect Enough? Flawless Host WIP log

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Alright, the second champ is 99% done. Just need to fill the gap between torso and sword arm and tidy up the highlights on the sword arm's inner arm (did not notice this until looking at the pictures).









Pictures aren't perfect i know, but this is the lighting i have to work with at the moment.


What do you all think of the pose?

The Sorcerer looks great although the white on the wings could do with a very light shadow to add some depth. But then again it is Slannesh as well as Chaos so the laws of art theory and light don't apply. The Champion has a nice crisp paint scheme that ties in with other miniatures while at same time looking unique. The pose does look a little unnatural with the sword arm sticking straight out like that. Move it down just a bit to give a more natural 'flow'.


Cheers, Messanger

Soooo next up is the 3 obliterators. You can see the beginning of them here:





I do not like the real oblit models, or even their fluff in particular. My oblits are going to be regular terminators but with alternate heavy weapons and beefed up power packs. You can see the power pack on the legless guy in the picture. Once again, i'm working mainly with recycled models from previous projects.


One will have a plasma cannon (already made), one a multi melta, and one either a lascannon or blastmaster. Then each will have a twin linked plasma or flamer mounted on the back of their fists (don't have enough spare melta tips for one to have a tl-melta). You can see the weapons that i'm going to be converting in the picture.


This is going to be a difficult conversion to do as i don't have a saw. I might hold off on beginning that part of them until i get one. Whatever i end up doing, its going to be a hack job and i'm sure i'll have to do a good deal of green stuff restoration.


The other thing i'm going to be doing with these guys is teaching myself wire work. You can see my spool of wire, and my preliminary work with it on the side of the head of the guy with the IW helmet. I cut a bit too much off when fitting it into the body, so i've made him some bionics. The main use of the wire is going to be to make the power cables connecting the heavy weapons to the backpacks.

More work on the oblits. I've done the first hack job, mixing a heavy flamer and landspeeder/attack bike multi melta. I've purposely let it be longer and bulkier than a loyalist melta to show that it is a less efficient technology after being scavenged and re-furbished by the Dark Mechanicus. I've also added the extended power pack to the terminator's back. This is still an extremely WIP stage. I've got lots of filing and smoothing to do, and lots of gaps to fill with GS. I am very pleased though with the chain. I thought it looked too long and heavy even for a terminator weapon, so i added the chain to counter-balance the weight.



The first oblit is fully assembled. The wires have come out really nicely. Only problem is i can't find my camera. But for now i'm starting on the second oblit. I also picked up some Payne's Grey earlier, so will have some experimentation with that soon.

Right, weeks late as usual. But here we go. Multi melta oblit done, plasma cannon one in the works. Lascannon still in pieces. Let me know what you think.







I've begun painting on the first oblit. These pics aren't super great due to suboptimal lighting i know, but i'm not looking for feedback on the detailing yet. At this stage stuff is mostly done except for the gun, skull shoulder, backpack(s), and some touch ups and freehand. But want i want is people's opinions on the colors overall, and specifically my use of white on the trim. Do you think i works?








I've been experimenting with the Payne's Grey that was recommended earlier in the thread. It is amazing stuff and makes the GW washes look like a joke.

You know, i'm looking at this model and how great he is, and thinking what the hell are we going to do with all these oblits after we get a new dex and may not be able to use them?



The white on the trim looks unfinished to be honest. What if you were to work up like a light blue, to white highlight. As it stands now it looks like primer and doesn't do the model justice.

First guy is finished. I was able to get the white trim pretty smooth by building it up from blue, but it just wasn't fitting in with the scheme. So i changed it to more blue, and changed the skull pad to black which has really darkened the model up. I think that came out well though. Let me hear some opinions!









I really like him. he came out looking great.


How did you do the blue on his legs? I like the black shoulderpad and i think there is some potential there for some crazy color.


maybe a purple or red trim on the black to kind of shatter the senses and please the marines.


Additionally the marine kind of has this scheme to him. The blue, black, and metal are kind of cool, while the pink strikes me as a bland warm color. What if you were to give the pink armor a blood red highlight? Your Blue/black/metal would remain cool while your pink could be a bse for a very striking warm red.


*Oh i just remembered the red tabard. I don't know about the red now...

The legs are necron abyss drybrushed with enchanted blue, then a lighter drybrush of ice blue, washed with leviathan purple then highlighted with ice blue. The backs of the legs were then re-done with necron abyss in the recessed parts.


I've actually pretty happy with the flesh tone right now. It gives a stark contrast to the blue because its an almost desaturated color and is so pastel next to the much more varied and richer blue/purple.

Some wips of the second oblit:








This guy is getting a lot more wire than the first. He's also got a fist mounted tl-plasma gun, but i'm doing it a different way. You can see the cable i've got prepared to connect the plasma cannon to his backpack. I'm still deciding if i want to paint him before putting his arms on. I painted the previous one whole and ran into a few issues, but if i do the arms off i can't have the cables attached yet and i don't want to risk my paintjob by attaching them afterwards. Still got a ways to go before paint though. Lots of gaps to fill.

The second Obliterator is ready for paint.










I see a couple mold lines i still need to hit.


I've also begun work on the 3rd oblit and one of the defilers. More to come on that soon*.


This thread is in serious danger of turning into a monologue if more people don't comment :D



*soon will probably not be any time soon.

I like the first oblit, you've probably saved yourself a few quid too [i think £12 for the 'real' model is steep].


Plus I like your whole army, you use a lot of colours which makes the models very busy, but that's the best bit about painting noise marines, you can go a bit crazy and they still look good.


Second oblit looks too much like a terminator imo, maybe use a non-terminator head?





Unfortunately i already own two of the metal oblits. I use them in my undivided army.


Its past the point where i can change his head. The 3rd one has a very different head, and the pose i have planned should be pretty unique. They are still supposed to be terminators, just modified ones.


Thanks for the input!


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