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Bike Squad Configuration


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I've been debating with a fellow ravenwing player about the optimal

configuration of a bike squad, currently we both agree that they are

best equipped with two plasmaguns and a sarge with power weapon

and melta-bombs, to a total of five marines per squad.


However, we're not agreeing on whether the configuration should be:


Bike Squad (5) @ 190pts

4 Marines, 2 Plasmaguns

1 Sergeant, Power Weapon, MB




Bike Squad (4+1) @ 205pts

3 Marines, 2 Plasmaguns

1 Sergeant, Power Weapon, MB

1 Att. Bike, Heavy Bolter



I'm currently leaning more towards the latter, but I'm still not quite

decided, and would appreciate your insight.






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I like the AB option.

Same number of TL bolters.

But look at the extras:

-- HB (ok at XXpts by itself),

-- one extra attack in CC

-- one wound (that can be taken without affecting offensive capability)


Cheers, Paul.

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I would tend to agree with you, but I do have to mention the bigger

footprint that the squad leaves due to the attack bike.


I think this boils down to whether you want to do this exchange:



Increaser Cost (+15pts)

Bigger Footprint




Heavy Bolter

Extra Attack

Extra Wound

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I feel the only use for a Ravenwing Attack Squadron (in Greenwing and Deathwing lists), is pure anti-tank.

This is due to the fact that you can mount a hefty number of Meltas onto your Squadron, with a fair few ablative wounds left over (aka, bullet catchers :P ).

My Squadron is kitted out as follows:


Veteran Sergeant

Power Fist

Melta Bombs (for really heavy stuff)

5 Ravenwing Bikers

2 Meltaguns

Ravenwing Attack Bike


Land Speeder Tornado


= 420 pts (I think...)


Obviously you don’t have to go the full hog and get as many bikers (and the Land Speeder) as I did, I only do this because I’m a hella fluffy player, and I only field squads in full 10 man squads, never half, etc.

This Squad is going to be really nasty when it comes to anti-tank, with the ability to Outflank; your enemy is going to have to keep guessing where the uber anti-tank threat will come from.

Or you could keep them in reserve and bring them on your own table edge, with the purpose of countering any tanks that may have rolled up the field.

Just consider it, three Melta shots, followed by a Power Fist and many a Krak Grenade is going to wreck any tank!!

Or if you want really nasty anti-tank, then just get a full 5 Land Speeder Support Squadron, with each Speeder kitted out with a Multi-Melta, all for 325 pts!!



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Like steve, I feel bike squads (in all armies) are best used as anti-tank with a load of meltaguns. However, I'd avoid attack bikes in bike squadrons unless all my fast attack choices were used up and I had some points left over. You see, working in squadrons of two or three, attack bikes work a lot better than when they are tacked on to another unit.
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I really can´t see a reason not to put an AB in a bike squad instead of 2 "normal" bikes. For 10 points less you get a heavy bolter and the ability of taking a wound in the unit without removing any casualties. The only drawback is that you loose 1 extra attack on the charge. For the same price as 2 bikers you get a multi-melta.
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For codex marines with a bike captain, the bike squad with 4 bikes, 1 with a powerfist, 2 with melta guns, one stock, and a multimelta attack bike, make for a fantastic unit and are even a bit cheaper than a tac squad with fist in a rhino. They have more anti tank shots, almost the same wounds, higher toughness, lots of twin linked bolters with relentless, the same powerfist, ect ect.


For ravenwing, the 3 bike squad with 2 meltas with MMAB make for a decent anti tank unit, but they trade 1 body of the codex marine squad for scout (that cant turbo boost :blush: ) and teleport homers. So its about a wash.

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I guess I am alone in preferring a full blown 9 bike squad. I usually run two full bike squads, one armed with a Power Fist, two Meltas, and a MM for a good anti-armor anti-MC punch. The other I try to make ready to take on infantry with a Power Sword, 2 Flamers, and a MM.


I know they are hard to move about, and they can get a little tight but they volume of fire they produce is great. I suppose there is always the option to combat squad, but I am not a huge fan of that particular tactic. I can't say which would be better, a 6 man or my 9, as I haven't ever really played with anything other than my standard.

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There's very good reasons to take larger squads (preserving your firepower) when you have bikes. I've got an article on WHY I think that is.


I generally run only one bike squad, led by a captain with relic blade and hellfire rounds. The squad is max size with a PF, melta/flamer/multimelta loadout.


I am a recovering DA player though, and if I were limited to Ravenwing bike setups, I'd run the full six bikes and take a multi melta attack bike detatchment as part of the squad with a melta/flamer/powerfist loadout.

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