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My Crusade Forces


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I decided to finally unpack all of my painted marines and see what they looked like all formed up into ranks together, so here's some pics I took after doing so and if anyones wondering the models in the pictures constitute 324 Space Marines, 10 Fenresian Wolves, 4 Tanks and 6 Dreadnaughts. Enjoy. :)


The Lot of em:



Right side:



Left Side:



Imperial Fists and Grey Knights (note most of the IF aren't done yet, over 60 just finished being stripped from Blood Ravens)



Raven Guard:



Space Wolves:



Ultramarines left:



Ultramarines Right:



Ultramarines 5th Company and Chapter Banners:



Stormblade Great Company Banner:



I find it hard to imagine I actually got around to painting all that but there it is, hopefully I'll have the Imperial Fists finished before the turn of the next century.

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That's quite a body of work there. Which ones were your first?


The Ultramarines were my first marine army started about 3 years ago now (boy time flies), the Grey Knights and Raven Guard came next and the Space Wolves and Imperial Fists are more recent projects started in the last year or so. Though I do go back and do touch ups and additions now and then and the occasional repair or replacement. I had to do a TON of reorganising and re-arming with the 5th Edition Codex and well... with over 300 Marines that sort of thing took a while. :)


Damn... and I thought I had alot of minis.... :)


Yea... it starts to add up after a while, though those constitute only about 2/3 of my model collection but is most of my marines, I've only got another 60 Marines to paint up as Imperial Fists and a few odd units here and there for the SW and Ultras. When I've finished the rest of the models the collection should number around 400 Marines but only 5 tanks... hmm...

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Well I suppose the next step will be a dedicated transport or drop-pod for each squad............. :rolleyes:


Have you ever worked out the total points cost of all your crusade army? It's got to be at least Apocalypse legal.

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Well I suppose the next step will be a dedicated transport or drop-pod for each squad............. :P


I'd love too but right now the thought is truly mind boggling. <_<


Have you ever worked out the total points cost of all your crusade army? It's got to be at least Apocalypse legal.


Well lets see, the Ultramarines come in at about 6,113 points.


The Imperial Fists when they're finished will be at 3748 but that's with a bunch of old 2nd/3rd edition clip together termies I have but I may or may not add those to the Imperial Fists.


The Raven Guard are at a nice even 1,850.


The Space Wolves are also at an even number at 3,400.


My Daemonhunters/Grey Knights come in at 2,024 with the Inquisitors added.


So all told about 17,020 points all told in my Power Armored elements of the Crusade force. Twould be fun to field the whole lot of em but I haven't gotten a chance so far, I've fielded most of them at one time in very large Apoc games but not quite the whole bunch.

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Congrate on such a large army you are a ture collector. whats next ?


Thanks. I'm going to finish my Imperial Fists that need to be painted and then I'll be theming the force more, adding a Vindicator, Thunderfire Cannon, maybe a Land Raider, an Iron Clad Dreadnaught and transports. After that it will either be a mixed Crusade force built around elements from the Iron Hands, Salamanders, White Scars and maybe some Dark Angels as well as probably some marines from other cool looking chapters like the Hawk Lord's, Howling Griffons, Relictors and so on and so forth. Or the other option I've been kicking around is a small army of Black Templars, a Chapter I've wanted to collect for a while.


Nice collection you have there.


Thanks. :)


oh :jaw: :jaw: :cuss


Well I certainly wasn't expecting that reaction but it is gratifying. ^_^


Wow. Nice armies there. Though there appears to be a wall of Ultramarines blocking the way. Might want to clear that up and take some more pics again.


Well, carry on. I hope to see some more chapters there soon.


Yea I got a lot of Ultramarines, hopefully soon the Space Wolves and Imperial Fists will start to catch up in size to the Ultras and when I get some more of em done I'll certainl take more pics. ;)

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