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Space Hulk Terminator Army

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When I decided to take part in the "Challenge Gareth" contest over on http://www.thepainteddragon.com I didn't know this would happen, all we had to do was make a simple 1500 army.

I ended up buying 3 armies worth of terminators :P

This blog will be for my 1500+ force of Space Hulk terminators, the one piece models we all love/hate.


I adore these models, I've always been annoyed that I wasn't born a few years earlier to catch this game in its prime, alas ;)


So yeah, I currently have.. erm.. lots. at least 35 off the top of my head. I'll be using the DA deathwing rules for the list.


This guy is my "Belial" with twin lightning claws, he was originally one of the three original terminators before they were redesigned for spacehulk, see here on Stuff of Legends:


Don't worry, I have him twice ;) I also have all three of them ;D


ANYWAY, here he is:





with banner:




I now own three of these adorable librarians:




I also got myself some of the metal dreadnoughts from Rogue Trader times:







Some size references:



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Tonight I'v been converting some simple weapon swaps:

Sergeant with power sword:




WIP chainfist:




Thunder Hammer




Assault cannon:





The squad:



Not sure what colour to paint them yet.. I already have one deathwing army to paint.. so might go BA for these?

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Something to note as well is that newer terminators are on larger bases. Some people may not want to play against this army because the smaller bases give a large advantage when deepstriking.


Yeah I plan to upgrade them all sooooooon.

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Hah! I love this thread and what you are doing with all those "classic" termies. I have a couple of pea-heads as well and I've never really figured out what to do with them.


Keep up the great work!



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Todays work:







In the squad:



I figured that a librarian and apoth is a good combo, as the libs power can ignore one save if he passes a psychic test, and the apoth can ignore a failed armour save, that's two less dead terminators :cuss

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This is fantastic. I have maybe 10 or 20 of the oldschool plastic Terminators myself, as well as several of the Librarians, and I've been pondering upgrading them to new bases and paintjobs for my own Deathwing army. :rolleyes: Great work so far! I may have to do some very similar weapons conversions, yours look as good as they can on the old models.
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Man I haven't seen those guys in forever. I still have 2 rogue trader era termies in actual lead (not pewter) a grey knight and an assault cannon termie, but I don't want to even think about chopping into them as they were probably some of the first minis I ever had.


The conversions you did look good, there's not much you can do with those guys as they are so old school. I forgot how much some of those guys looked like they were wearing UFO costumes. :lol: I'd go for a pre-hearsey look for the paint.

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Ok, another update!

I noticed there was a librarian model, but no Chaplain! How could I not make myself a Chaplain!


Taken me a while.. First I had to carve out the head and make a hole big enough, I don't have my dremel here at uni so this proved annoying ;) But I suceeded!

I added a random skull I found, some tiny wires, a mace from the DA sprue, some banners and a purity seal and a genestealer skull.

I also filed down his chest plate, I think when my greenstuff comes I'll sculpt some bones onto his armour.









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I don't know whether or not to cringe in terror or be frozen in awe at the sheer number of Space Hulk Terminators. If I didn't know better, I'd think you got them out of my closet. ;-)


The amount of conversion-work you've done already is astounding.


I look forward to seeing more of these as you get through them!

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NICE love this

always had a soft spot for these old termies although i can never afford them on ebay so...


my only comment is the chaplains head is too sunk in to the head socket

it looks like the chaplain is about a foot too short for the suit! and is just managing to peer out of the top!!

fix that and kepp going!!

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Im not sure about the nid head on your chaplain... on one hand its cool, on the other hand I could see him getting shot coming around a corner.


*Chaplain walks in*


*Veteran* Oops, sorry brother Hadafax, you scared the living hell out of me.

*Chaplain* You shall know no fear, remember that brother?

*Veteran* Yeah, but were in an aliens movie... how can we not be creaped out?

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Thanks for the feedback!

I've gone back and modified his helmet, more hollowing out, a new skull and a lot of filing led me to this:






I'm not sure on the nid skull now, if I find a replacement then I'll change it :lol:

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I think the new head works much better, looks good, the old one was a bit too low in the armor.


Maybe a blood angels styled chalice instead of the tyranid skull?


I think the skull would be good to keep on a shoulder pad or the belt etc.



Hmm, I like that idea, I'll look into it :)

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