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Why do scout bikers have shotguns?


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I've been thinking about it, and I can't come up with a reason to ever use the shotguns. Since they are relentless, they can always rapid fire their TL bolters (or better yet AGL!) to superior effect.


Are the shotguns there just "for fun"? Who do I have to kill at GW for them to replace it with a CCW?


Or am I just an r tard, and am missing something obvious?

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This topic came up before, all i can add is that it also seems pointless that they have bolt pistols, as relentless TL bolters are better than both.

At the same time why would a scout ever need bolt pistols when they have shotguns aswell..

Its just one of those things, but it does make some good modelling possibilities as shotties are an important part of the character of scouts.


As for the extra ccw that would make scout bikers more effectve than SM bikers which is a real no-no..



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But their fluff design really hasn't changed since the 80s, except to become toned down a bit to be more kid friendly. Other than the introduction of a few new factions (and the destruction of the Squads :lol:), nothing of real importance has happened since Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader.
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I've been thinking about it, and I can't come up with a reason to ever use the shotguns. Since they are relentless, they can always rapid fire their TL bolters (or better yet AGL!) to superior effect.


Are the shotguns there just "for fun"? Who do I have to kill at GW for them to replace it with a CCW?


Or am I just an r tard, and am missing something obvious?


A CCW would be handy, but since when does standard equipment make sense (command sqauds anyone?). To me the only use I can think of for the shotgun is to provide a nice 2shot weapon if you end up a tad too close to use the grenade launcher.

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A CCW would be handy, but since when does standard equipment make sense (command sqauds anyone?). To me the only use I can think of for the shotgun is to provide a nice 2shot weapon if you end up a tad too close to use the grenade launcher.

The point is the TL bolters are better than the shotguns, they have an AP value and can reroll misses.

But you wont find them with ccw, this would give them an extra CC attack, which would make them better than SM bikers... not going to happen.

As i said shotguns are an important part fo the character of scouts, but then its the bikes that have the bolters not the scouts as such.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Rules wise, the only thing I can think of might be a situation where the Scout is unable to point the bike towards the enemy, and so must shoot off to the side or behind. Like in a very skinny alley...


Fluff wise, the shot gun is a great for crowd control... and keeping critters away from your bike.



Warprat ;)

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Actually, the grenade launcher replaces the bolters right? So I think Cornishman is right, it's for the odd time when you are really close and don't want to risk an unfortunate scatter.


Yeah i missed this one, you are right... :) so shotties are useful on bikers after all ;)

Although it depends on your opponent, if your afraid of scatter use krak grenades at S6 AP4, the twin shotty blasts are only more effective against IG or lightly armoured T3 opponents



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Actually, the grenade launcher replaces the bolters right? So I think Cornishman is right, it's for the odd time when you are really close and don't want to risk an unfortunate scatter.


Yeah i missed this one, you are right... ;) so shotties are useful on bikers after all ;)

Although it depends on your opponent, if your afraid of scatter use krak grenades at S6 AP4, the twin shotty blasts are only more effective against IG or lightly armoured T3 opponents



But surely Krak grenades are better than a shotgun. Rapid fire S6 AP4 is better than two attacks without an AP value, intant kill T3. If you're worried about a template scattering back on you, which is a maximum of 9" because 2D6" minus 3" for BS3, you're in rapid fire range.

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But surely Krak grenades are better than a shotgun. Rapid fire S6 AP4 is better than two attacks without an AP value, intant kill T3. If you're worried about a template scattering back on you, which is a maximum of 9" because 2D6" minus 3" for BS3, you're in rapid fire range.


Yes your right, i didnt even factor in rapid fire!



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