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Didn't do it yet, but intention was to use dreadnought arms with thraka CCW glued to the fronts.


Really wish Forgeworld would make a kit for the defiler. Every single army list I've seen for 40k that includes a defiler uses the extra pair of close combat weapons, and the ones in the box are just awful.


I just imagine a fiddler crab type setup. Would go well with the scorpion model. It could use the large pincer claw as a sort of shield for the front, and a highly mobile pincer claw with weapons on it so it could be used as a CCW or autocannon.

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In the Apocalypse reload book they took two extra front claws and attached them to the weapon slots. That'd give you a crab-like look, though not really fiddler style.


But, as I always say when anyone asks for defiler help...MAGNETIZE!!! That way you always have options and never get stuck with a bad decision.

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I'm considering mounting mine coming off the lower hull like a spiders pedipalps. That seems like it would look better for small arms. Arms long enough to reach from the upper torso down to the ground (which I think is the only thing would look right) seem a pain to build and hard to engeneer, especially if I want them magnetized, so going with little stubby "DCCW" style arms between the big claws seems a good move.




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I like using wire. The fat quarter inch thick sottering wire you buy for like 10 bucks at the local hardware store. Bend a bunch (three wires) in a sircle or braid pattern extending from a mutated shoulder mount (or mounts if you do both sides) long enough to tower over the enemy.


I modelled mine to have two low claws that string from under, and two high claws that slash from above like scorpion stingers.

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Here's the solution I came up with. They are magentized, as are the covers on the "armholes" and the weapons that (used to) go there.




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