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Imperial Fists Veteran Sergeant Iagan

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Salutations! some of you may remember this project that I started what seems like an age ago from the WIP section. Well since my CoI stuff sitting idle while I wait for my new brush, I decided to get him finished. With a little assistance from my shiny new bottle of MicroSol, I'm now pleased to unveil Veteran Brother Sergeant Iagan of the Imperial Fists in his finshed form :o.
















Comments and Criticism most welcome, now I'm off to continue waiting for my new paint brush to arrive :P



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Very nice Imperial Fist. Much different from the normal lemon-like tones of yellow that the Fists wear, but it still looks very good and has been painted to a high degree. My favorite part of the model is his helmet, the Veteran Sergeant markings look expert! :D
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@ Mjolniir: actually it's vomit brown ;). I know it's not a traditional yellow, (more of a New York Taxi yellow) but I preferred how it looked to the more traditional yellowy yellow. That's not to say that I don't like Fists done in yellow, but I prefer mine this colour...


@ Puddle: Thanks, it was actually done like that to save time. Normally I do back packs the other way around with the armour colour on all of it save the vents and ports etc. However I think I might do display mini's backpacks like this from now on.


@ Trick3y: I'm not so sure it's get a Golden Daemon, but thanks for the complement :).


@ Darth Potato: I added the stripe to his helm on Iacton's advice, and I'm really glad I did, I think it was the something missing that completed how I wanted him to look. Glad you like it.



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@ theredcorsair: thanks, I kinda came up with it by accident when I was playing with some bits :).


@ Perry T: Thanks brother, this yellow's pretty forgiving when you're painting so it's much easier than traditinal yellow.


@ gil galed: You can just make out the highlights on the chest eagle in the first photo, it's not very harsh though so it's kinda hard to make out. It's a little clearer in real life though.


@ Shaun Carlin: Thanks, my painting has come on in leaps and bounds since I signed up on here. Seeing some of other peoples work makes me keep pushing harder to make my own better ;).


@ Fausto2071: it's ok, the mini's from the Sternguard Veterans set, but without his usual arms it can be hard to tell.


@ InKaras: yeah, the yellow may haunt me for the rest of my days I think :P.


@ Terminatorinhell: the recipie is pretty easy, its Vomit Brown, shaded with Devlan Mud then highlighted with Vomit Brown with increasing amounts of Skull White mixed in.

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That tutorial and the model you've shown are brilliant; both make me really want to try doing Lamenters instead of DIY! The power unit's colour scheme is so clever... damnit mate, you've created such a brilliant model here; pose, colour, painting... everything!


Seriously, brilliant. Now I'm off to buy some Vomit Brown and practice my checkerboard...



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