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Question regarding Dante and preferred enemy

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Take Kantor as an example - his ability (+1A) explicitly states that he does not benefit from it. This suggests that in absence of a FAQ, a character's ability should say if he can not use it on himself. From the opposite side of the argument, RAW does not explicitly say he does get the benefit, so I've probably not really helped there... :HQ:
  Maligoare said:
Take Kantor as an example - his ability (+1A) explicitly states that he does not benefit from it. This suggests that in absence of a FAQ, a character's ability should say if he can not use it on himself. From the opposite side of the argument, RAW does not explicitly say he does get the benefit, so I've probably not really helped there... :HQ:


Also There are Abilities that specify that they do have an effect on their owner and his squad like Straken. Quite simply, GW don't write rules tight enough. Me I would personally go with doesn't effect him unless specifically mentioned, but seriously, they need to get used to mentioning these details(which fortunately with Pedro and Straken, they did)

  Legatus said:
Ah, good point. It would have somewhat diminished the point of him having a higher weapon skill and a special rule that lowered the opponent's weapon skill by 1, then.

true, but there are still cases where it would have mattered (demon princes, bloodthirsters)

  Legatus said:
Ah, good point. It would have somewhat diminished the point of him having a higher weapon skill and a special rule that lowered the opponent's weapon skill by 1, then.

No the old prefered enemy (always hit on a 3+) still used your weapon skill for determining what the enemy needs to roll to hit you. lowering enemy weapon skill is akin to having a better toughness or save.

  JamesI said:
  Legatus said:
Ah, good point. It would have somewhat diminished the point of him having a higher weapon skill and a special rule that lowered the opponent's weapon skill by 1, then.

true, but there are still cases where it would have mattered (demon princes, bloodthirsters)


It wouldn't work against them, old preferred enemy didn't work against MC's

  SKeeM said:
Dante is inspiring to other people, he does not inspire himself. Same for Corbulo he does not get FC for holding the grail.


This is where it gets turned into just a bunch of wonky rules lawyering. Why would an item, that enhances every one within range of it, NOT enhance the person holding it?

This is where it gets turned into just a bunch of wonky rules lawyering. Why would an item, that enhances every one within range of it, NOT enhance the person holding it?

Because it is up to the rules of said item whether it is actually enhancing every one within range of it, or only everyone within range of the model holding it. In case of Dante it is not even any item at all, it is Dante himself who affects friendly models within range of him.

from the BA "codex"...any friendly unit of Blood Angels within 12" of him counts......"

Dante meets the criteria, ie BA unit, within the bubble (unless you are playing on non-Euclidean board).

It is his example which inspires the troops....He always fights with Preferred Enemy.

Dante is at point X.

Any BA model within 12" of point X get preferred enemy.

Point X is still "within" the bubble.

Dante is not "at point X". He is that reference point X. The rule affects units that are "friendly to reference point X" and "within a certain range of Reference point X". Dante wouuld neither be described as "friendly to Dante" or as "within 12" or Dante". He is Dante, and the rule affects units friendly to him and within 12" of him. It is not a bubble that is created at the area where he is with he himself inside that bubble. You go to Dante as the reference point, and then you look at what units are near to him and are friendly to him.

Silly and overcomplex, Legatus.

GW does not think things though that deeply.

Most of the rules are very simple (not always logical, but simple)

Dante creates a 12 1/2" circle within any BA unit has Preferred Enemy, Dante included.

I know some very good , long time BA tourney players and that is how it has been played in 4th and 5th.


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