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Landspeeders And you!


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I love using my speeders against my Eldar and Tau opponents. I have kept them in reserve as well as started them on the table behind cover.


I use a typhoon and MM set up on a squadron of three pushing my points up but I often kill at least two tanks and ususualy some infantry.


The mobility of the speeders often gets me rear armor shots and within 24" that is three 8s shots one being an AP 1 per speeder. This frustrates my eldar opponent to no end with all the special stuff his tanks get.


For some reason against my Tau opponents I tend to get closer and hit his front armor more than rear getting the 2d6 penetration. The range of the Tau weapons will kill my speeders any way as he keeps them supporting his armor but those hammer heads are gone and they easily drop my tac squads.


In several games I have ended up with one or two speeders left and no tanks. My squadron changes its roll to anti infantry with the two frag templates and becomes more than an anoyance for them. If he took no armor in his list I often find him trying to chase me down with bright lances and such but I do outrange him still.


I ususaly plan them to be one trick ponies and maybe two. It is rare that they finish a game due to the AV 10 but I feel the points are worth it not just for what they can kill but what their target would have killed if it had gone unchallenged. :cuss

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Given that the bonus +1T the attack bikes have doesn't help against instakills, I think there is little difference in durability between the two. Although with the new vehicle rules, the speeder might have a slight edge. It really comes down to what you like better.
I prefer Bikes but would agree with this. Single Speeders have a slight edge in survival however Squadrans are weaker since Immobilised = Dead. So my unit choice is either a Single Speeder (for 70-90 points) or two MM Trikes for 100 points.
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I've read at several points through this thread that the Typhoon is getting two frag templates when shooting but in my BA 'dex it states the weapon is twin-linked, heavy 1. Is the vanilla version given a differnet profile or am I missing something?
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I personally run two Typhoon/MM Speeders in a squadron. Against other Marines or Chaos you can make your points back the instant you're in range by popping a Land Raider, or two turns by popping cheaper tanks. And if you're against hordes sit back and Frag them. You just can't knock the Typhoon launchers, they're probably the most cost-effective weapon avaliable to speeders.
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Maybe someone missed this, but AB can engage in CC too. That's a pretty sizeable advantage against some opponents, both to use the 50 point bike to tie up shooty squads or to divert assaults. I've actually charged quite a few different units with my ABs on several occassions (Crisis Suits and IG Heavy Weapon Teams come to mind), and occassionally it can even beat low S opponents by sheer durability. On the opposite tack, LS are useless in CC, although they are harder to hit if they get engaged. Not to mention the footprint of a LS is much larger/easier to target than the low-slung AB, which I generally screen with a Rhino or RB.

Obvious poster is obvious. :mellow:

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Being able to be locked in combat can be great at times but can also be a hinderance at other times. Being able to simply move back and shoot your Heavy Weapons as you can with a Speeder that survives an assault will often be more effective than having to return strikes in close combat. There are also plenty of units that cannot hurt a Speeder in combat (any S3 infantry without a special weapon or grenades) whilst a good sized unit of the same troops could easily cause sufficient wounds on an Attack Bike to kill it or be durable themselves enough to tie you up! Plus if you keep the Speeder moving fast enough anything that can hurt it in combat will have to roll a 6 to hit!


As for it being harder to hide, that is true, although you can make Speeders lie close enough to the ground so that they can hide behind a Rhino just like an Attack Bike can.

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If you're sending Attack Bikes into CC you're doing it wrong ;)


You're paying 50+ points for the bike+mobility+heavy weapons not "WHEEE CHARGE!"




Better to have them in CC than being shot at, and whatever has just been shot by 3 attack bikes isn't going to fight back very much anyway.


(Multi-Melta version: They do still have Krak Grenades to finish off tanks with)

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True, but i'd still take MM/Typhoon Land Speeders ANY day. 1 Melta and 2 Kraks or 1 Melta and two Frags. That gives me two more Antitank shots than your Melta Bike and more anti-personnel capacity to boot. For only double the price ;)
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Not gonna lie, I'm sorely tempted to take a pair of Typhoons in my C:SM list. They're very impressive in 5th edition (compared to overshadowed by Tornadoes in 4th by the OP AC) and have much more reach and punch than a simple MM AB. That said, I play a themed-yet-competitive Salamanders/Vulkan list in 1500+, so the Chapter Tactics rule really helps MM AB for a much reduced cost.
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Not gonna lie, I'm sorely tempted to take a pair of Typhoons in my C:SM list. They're very impressive in 5th edition (compared to overshadowed by Tornadoes in 4th by the OP AC) and have much more reach and punch than a simple MM AB. That said, I play a themed-yet-competitive Salamanders/Vulkan list in 1500+, so the Chapter Tactics rule really helps MM AB for a much reduced cost.


I'm not a fan of mixing the Typhoon with a MM, simply because the TML costs so much and you put it in jeopardy by having to get within melta range. However, if you stay at 24" and use it as an AP1 ML, then that might work too. I love my HB/Typhoon though.... it makes hordes cry.

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