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New IG woes =(

Brother Evar

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I bought the new IG dex because my little brother wanted to start orks or IG. He wrote a list and I found it quite disturbing-


Imperial Guard- 1500pts


:HQ:HQ- Company Command Squad


med pack

vox caster

cameo cloaks

regimental advisors- Master of Ordanence, Officer of the Fleet

- 165pts


:) Troop 1- Infantry Platoon


Platoon Command Squad-


Medi Pack

vox Caster

- 65 pts


Infantry Squad 1 -


melta gun

vox caster

- 65pts


Infantry Squad 2 -


melta gun

- 60pts


HW squad 1-


x3 lascannons

- 105pts


HW squad 2-


x3 lascannons

- 105pts


HW squad 3-


x3 lascannons

- 105pts


HW squad 4-


x3 lascannons

- 105pts


HW squad 5-


x3 lascannons

- 105pts


Platoon total- 715 pts


:Troops:Troop 2- Company Veterans Squad


x2 melta's

demolitions doctrine

- 120pts


:HS:Heavy Support 1- Hydra Flack Tank Support Battery


x2 Hydra's

- 150 pts


:HS:Heavy Support 2- Ordenance Support battery


x1 Colossus

- 140 pts


:HS:Heavy Support 3- Leman Russ Squadren


x1 Leman Russ Executioner w/ pair of HB Spontoons

- 210 pts


Army Total- 1500pts



This is what I am building/ running-


Sable Swords- 1500 pts


HQ- SM Librarian





Troop 1- Tactical Squad


X10 SM’s

Plasma gun

Heavy Bolter

SM Sargent w/ Power Weapon + BP

Rhino transport



Troop 2- Tactical Squad


X10 SM’s

Melta gun

Plasma Cannon

SM Sargent w/ PW + BP

Rhino transport



Heavy Support 1- Land Raider Redeemer


Pintle multi melta



Heavy Support 2- Devastator Squad


X5 SM’s

X1 lascannon

X1 Missile Launcher

-140 pts


Fast Attack 1- Vanguard Veteran Squad


X8 SM’s

Sargent w/ relic blade

X2 w/ Power Weapons



Fast Attack 2- Attack Bike Squadron


X3 Attack Bikes w/ Heavy Bolter

-120 pts


Fast Attack 3- Attack Bike Squadron


X3 Attack Bikes w/ Multi Melta



Army total- 1500 pts


So am I screwed or am I screwed? The Dakka burns! :cry:

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If you are worried about all those lascannons just a bit of mathhammer to assuade your fears :D


Assuming that he shoots all of his 15 lascannons at your Landraider in turn 1 (before you kill any) he only has a 0.42 chance of actually wrecking the landraider and is statistically only going to get 1.2 penetrating results.


Guard being guard they probably have re-rolls for hits which I have not factored in but even still I wouldnt put away your marines just yet. Things are never as bad as they seem on paper. Everyone raves about how broken Nob Bikers are or how nasty Salamanders armies behave but over the weekend I played in a tournament which saw the top 3 being:


1 - Balanced (and amazingly painted :( sulks because I am never going to be as good) Eldar

2 - Balanced Chaos

3 - Balanced Orks


None of the few power players got a look in, I know because my mate came 7th and was playing the top flight players all day and he didnt see one of the Dual Lash or other players on the table (they were all in the middle places so I avoided them as well).


Play him at his list about 5 times before coming to any conclusions. You will probably be surprised at how poorly he does. Play for the scenario as well, ok he has 10 scoring units but 5 of them are stationary (and consist of 30 guardsmen in total), 1 of them will need to stay in range of the rest of them in order to give orders and 2 of them are just squishy guard platoons.


Have you done the maths and seen if the Sternguard are cheaper than the Devastators? They come with better bolters as standard.



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You're LR might survive but i think your tactical squads may well be walking lol, maybe deepstrike a dread to take out those pesky hydras?


cameo cloaks


this typo made my day lol

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Just remember to hug cover.


Also, you might wanna replace that vanguard squad with, say, two whirlwinds. Hide them somewhere out of line of sight, and your little brother is going to spend a lot of energy just trying to get those two to stop decimating his army. ;)

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You'd be amused at how easily all those heavy weapons teams break. 2 casualties, Ld7 or flee.... 40% chance or so. Assuming you don't wipe him out outright.


I'm NOT a fan of the Redeemer, but that's your choice.


And I'd rather have one full squad of bikes with a MM attack bike than two attack bike squads, but that's personal preference.


Your list isn't optimized, but neither his his. I think good generalling and adequate dice rolling should be sufficient to determine the outcome. Just kill the command squad first. ^_^

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Yes, kill the command squad first :lol:


And the Redemmer is wasted here. It seems to me that thing will be the aser magnet. Even given the odds, I'd bet on the LR getting destroyed by turn 2 only because he WILL spend his time trying to kill it and has the means to do so.


I'm not a fan of the Vanguard due to their cost. You could add more to your army and be very effective against Guard with an assault squad.

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Yeah, if you can, take the Whirlwinds like people are suggesting. You'll find that all those infantry disappear pretty quickly when they can't take cover saves from the incendiary missiles.


Just be glad that he's not taking a boatload of Vendettas. Those are far more dangerous to you than six Wound heavy weapon squads.

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