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Looking for inspiration regarding scout vehicles

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Ok as the title says im looking for some help with my scout army 10th red scorpion company but i don't have any transport vehicles i know there isnt any in the rules other than the storm but i was wondering if anyone has done this before and if so please could you show me what you have done . many thanks brothers

there was a thread on here where someone used the halo 3 quad vehicle as a land speeder duplicate - looked quite good, i think if anything that would be more fitting for a scout transport, or how about something like mini jet or jump packs like the elysians have, maybe bulk out a bit or something like the rocketeer or boba/jang fett uses ?


or theres the quad vehicle they use at the start of star trek nemesis - cant remember the name though !


rocketeer - http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/3/103...tPack_thumb.jpg


boba fett - http://media.photobucket.com/image/boba%20...edi_boba007.jpg


jango fett - http://www.r2ro.com/images/arenajetpackcolors.jpg


was never a fan of the big missile on boba fetts jump pack - preferred jangos to be honest


also found this - clone trooper jetpack ! - http://images.entertainmentearth.com/%5CAU...5CHS91369lg.jpg

http://rpggamer.org/shippics/cloneskytrooper.jpg or this http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/c/...operCaptain.jpg


something like this may work better - sleek enough for personal scout use and not too bulky

I've seen something similar to what you're after, can't remember where, but someone had a rhino with the roof hatch modelled as open with an armoured shield modelled on the front (similar to in the salamander scout vehicle) and a raised platform below the hatch, about the same width as the hatch allowing marines to fire from the top. If I ever think where I saw it I'll get you the link.

The Star Trek Nemesis vehicle is the Argo.


There's a similar vehicle from Mechwarrior Dark Age.


There's also the Hellbender from Unreal Tournament.


Warthog from Halo.


The jeep from Resistance fall of man.





I suggest you make the very old Imperial Skimmer. Aka the deodorant flyer. The Kite tank from Mechwarrior, basically.

What about a transport variant of a skimmer? Like with an extended loading bay for troops in the rear. I think there was a very good conversion used with scouts on the B&C a while ago.... Don't remember where..


Anyway, it had a little 'Black Hawk Down' Little Bird feeling to it. I think if I had to choose I'd go for something like that...

Or you could just wait a couple of months till the new Land Speeder comes out. :) But if you want a track, take a look at using the old Rhino. It's smaller in every dimension and the kit design is better suited to conversion (thinner plastic with fewer interlinked parts).

oooh another scout army, these puppies are growing in popularity..


As for vehicles im not sure what your direction is, if your using anything other than the LSS then your going into the realms of homegrown rules!

This is ok, i was just wondering what rules you were going to use for this 'scout salamander-esque thing-me-bob'



I have a couple of converted Land Speeders that have been brought to ground. Add wheels, take off the wings, and you have a light scout vehicle (think jeep). Need to swap out the marine bodies, too, if you truly want them to be look like scouts though.


If interested, I'll take a couple pics and post them this weekend.



Not mine, but a quick search brings up something pretty close:




not bad pics there from cmon . the bren carrier is more to what im thinking but sort of rhino size . maybe wih no back just a sort of flat platform with a hand rail in the middle . id draw what im thinking if i could draw lol


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