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10 chapters of Astartes!


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I'm impressed with both versions of your red, and bayonets always look cool <_<

nice freehand on the puity seals too, and the blue guy loks like he's coming along nicely, you have some impressive painting skills there.


Also...is the blue guy taped to an old paint pot? if so, nice technique, might have to try that for painting

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Alright, got a pic! Any questions, criticism or comments are welcome.


Knight of Gryphonne, Crimson Fist, White Panther, WIP Death Knight


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Alright, got a pic! Any questions, criticism or comments are welcome.


Knight of Gryphonne, Crimson Fist, White Panther, WIP Death Knight



;) :D

Begin naming favors now.


I think you're the 3rd person to paint a Death Knight. For that, I thank you.

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Thanks, guys! This is the motivation I need!


White Scar is too white. I only have a black primer, so it'll be a pain.


Anyways, UPDATE: Brazen Claw done, Mortifactor well on his way.


And sure, I'll give a rundown of how I did them.



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Bottom of page 3! Wow!


Anyways, here's a pic of 4 finished guys.


Death Knights, Brazen Claws, Mortifactors, Scythes of the Emperor.






That means that I have 3 marines left that I still haven't decided on. Ergo, comments, critique, cuestions and cuggestions for the last 3 guys are very welcome.

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If you would do my DIY chapter the Star Shades; i would be humbled.



image may not work for some reason...


but the colors for the Star shades are Black armor with Purple(Liche Purple) helmet, shoulder pads and accents.




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