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I'd love a tutorial too. I again have the problem with the axe but also the wings... I imagined Skabrand having bigger wings than a regular Bloodthirster. Almost that of something Dragon-esque...
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Looking good.


Also as for the wings, the reason why he has them so small is because Skarbrand has his wings torn off my Khorne. Though I always imagined the rags of wings hanging down like a cloak.


And yes, the axes are way too small.

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:) DUDE that is incredible, I bow down to your incredible talent. I agree with all of the other people on this thread that are in shock by it's awesomeness: the axe is too small it looks like he's holding a meat cleaver or some other mundane piece of kitchenware :lol:
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The wings look pretty ragged if you look closely to resemble them getting messed uped. The axe while small is still about the size of his head. So while not small, it seems a bit short. The again, a short meat cleaver type axe in the hands of a monstrous creature is still going to rip through pretty much anything.
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I love that model :D If you paint him (DO IT!) you should make him with lot of burn marks and scars cus Khorn threw him and he was in the air for 7 days on fire <_<


LOVE IT and PAINT IT is all i can say


P.s. Bigger axe would be a good idea :rolleyes:

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Though I always imagined the rags of wings hanging down like a cloak.


Thats wath i did with mine.






This way the wings looked like the wings of Raziel from the LoK games


But i would realy like to see is back,to see how its looks like.

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I vote for a MASSIVE axe instead of that tiny one ;P


And his wings should be larger, but torn off before the actual "wings"-part

like the 2 angels (matt damon and ben affleck) in the movie Dogma...

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