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Truescale Space Marines


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Now this inspired me to look around at truescale stuff. and I found Doghouse's tutorial and THIS has inspired me to think about creating a truescale marine of my own. Not sure what it will be but it'll be a HQ and there will only be one. Hmm, perhaps a custom chapter master...anyways, thanks for the ideas/inspiration Lamenter
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Now this inspired me to look around at truescale stuff. and I found Doghouse's tutorial and THIS has inspired me to think about creating a truescale marine of my own. Not sure what it will be but it'll be a HQ and there will only be one. Hmm, perhaps a custom chapter master...anyways, thanks for the ideas/inspiration Lamenter


Yeah it was Doghouse's (infamous) tutorial that inspired me to have a go.


I've been thinking about ways to incorporate "actual scale" models into armies. This is what I have so far:


1. One marine who is just freakishly bigger than his brother marines (much like the Wolf Guard Ranulf)


2. A whole army of them (that's the dream ;) )


3. A squad of Deathwatch marines. (or counts as Deathwatch)


4. A squad/s of Grey Knights (or counts as Grey Knights)


5. A Chaos Champion (a sort of mini Daemon Prince)


6. A single henchman for an Inquisitor (like Artemis), ok the rules won't work but count him as an Acolyte in power armour and he'll look cool.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hmm, I'll never make an army of these guys. Many reasons, the biggest being cost, patience and time. But I have worked out a way to incorperate them into my army. My Chapter master (Doghouse patten) and his Honour Guard (elusive patten so CM stands out even among them...okay and it saves money -_- ). This is just brilliant work here and I'm watching you...just in case you return with more :P
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These guys are really cool. I like how they are 'truescale' rather than just lanky. The only critiscm I have is that the bolters looks a little small. Maybe try upsizing them too?


The "chunky" look rather than just be the correct height is one of the main aims for me. I'm giving the bolter thing some thought, just not sure the best way to go about it.


Hmm, I'll never make an army of these guys. Many reasons, the biggest being cost, patience and time. But I have worked out a way to incorperate them into my army. My Chapter master (Doghouse patten) and his Honour Guard (elusive patten so CM stands out even among them...okay and it saves money -_- ). This is just brilliant work here and I'm watching you...just in case you return with more :P


Oh... I'll be back with more. I have stuff in progress (10 man squad, vulkan he'stan, mk8 assault marine), but haven't posted yet as it's unfinished. Soon as I've got myself organised I'll have a wip thread and maybe a tutorial thread too.

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Im more of a lurker then a poster, but I have to say that I have always been very interested in the work you do. I actually think that when I get back to my marines that I am painting a Lamenter force becuase of your models(and your great guide that I have read through multiple times). these true-scale marines are no different, just amazing. Do you have any work in progress shots? Im very curious at how you get them to look like that! Keep posting, I always look forward to it.

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I actually rather like the bolters. I've always felt they were too large on gw scale marines. Same goes for the backpacks, actually I'd just use standard, unmodified backpacks I think. And as far as the thicker border on the pauldrons goes, I'd stick with it too, unless I was going for mk IV pauldrons.


I would also really like to see work in progress shots.

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