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their infiltrate allows them to go behind enemy lines "pop goes the land raider" but seriosly yeah they do good especially in rhino


deploy the rhino 12-18 inches away gas 12 inches choson pop out 5 melta shots into lr str 8 + 2d6 = 3-4 hits on average 1-2 pens and 1 glance then all u gotta do is roll 4+ for pens or 6s for glances and then "pop goes the land raider"


hehehe :D :devil:

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I fiddled with a small unit with icon of slaanesh., It performed ok, but not much better then a 5 plasma gun unit that comes with anti tank ability (hitting rears and such).


Though if you feel like putting 150-ish pts into a small squad of 5 (sort of like taking another HQ) with icon of slaanesh, some twin-claws and a meltabomb or two and power weapons, they can dish out some pain equal to a lord.


5 Chosen, Icon of slaanesh, 2 power weapons, 1 set of claws: 160 pts

Able to get in 6pw, 3 lc and 6 regular attacks with a outflank and charge. Though its normally better off with 4 plasma guns and a meltagun for 160 pts of 5 models.


Lately I've dabbled with the 5 flamer and 1 combiflamer rhino unit, its fun. Sometimes using the rhino to keep the small squad out of LoS can force things to go your way making people pick between threats, especially melee armies that lack lots of range firepower.


(I really should sell off my 10 flamers, they tempt me to use chosen when I shouldnt use 'em)

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