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combi weapons how to use them?

steel hurricane

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Depends on what your army and that particular unit needs.


For example, if you have sternguard, and you're planning to drop pod them into enemy lines, it's logical that you will give them combi-meltas. This way the sternguard gain the flexibility to destroy both infantry (with their special ammunition) OR to destroy vehicles with their combi-meltas.


OR let's say you got a tactical squad with a meltagun, a missile launcher, and a rhino. This tactical squad can hunt vehicles, but it's lacking against hordes or cc stuff such as genestealers. So you give the tac sergeant a combi-flamer to fill a hole.


OR let's say your regular opponents are other marines, chaos marines, or necrons. It'd make sense to give your sergeants combi-plasmas, so they can rapid fire shoot two str7 ap2 shots to help you topple the enemy faster. However, you need to be careful not to give them combiplasmas (or plasma pistols) if you've already given them power fists, as then your expensive model risks killing himself etc.


Some combiweapons work better in certain builds. If you use Vulkan, then combi-meltas and combi-flamers will be a lot more reliable, etc.


It's all up to how you play and what your army needs. Combiweapons are really just a way to add that flexibility to your squads.

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ok now i have clear the purpose thanx!

another question since you raised the opportunity for the tacts to have those combinations,

in the codex it says that if there a re10 models you can have a particular weapon , just below the sentece it repeats the option with other 3 weapons, does it means that in a 10 men squad i can have 2 different special weapons(aside the sergeant)?

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In a 10 men squad, you can have one special weapon, and one heavy weapon.


So, you can have a free flamer and a free missile launcher in a single squad. Or a meltagun and a plasma cannon, or any combination offered.


I, for example, often fight against marines and tyranids. So one of my tac squads has a flamer + missile launcher, the other has a flamer + plasma cannon.

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