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Hi there


This is my first post, so i though i'd make it count. After vaguely tinkering around with marines for a little while, i have enough for a 1500 point army...and i got bored. This is somethining that happens every time i approach an army, i get excited, then leave it...




for me, the logical conclusion to this is to start an army which allows me to incorporate several different forces, allowing me to create a versatile apocolypse force, with plenty of big, fun things and opportunities for kickass conversions. So, as such, i hereby begin the planning stage:

The main body of the force will be led by my converted commander, pics soon

the secondary body will be led by a sculpted Daemon Princess, both of these will be chaos space marines, generally allied to khorne, and using the chaos codex

tertiary will be a rapid insertion unit made of converted Sororitas, based loosely on Terrible_Trygon's wonderful designs, with a lot of rhinos

and Quadernery will be Traitor Guard...but thats a story for another forum


Nothing much to show as yet...apart from the grand leader of this force who is at the PIP stage




Lord Chai the Corrupted, Arch-Duellist of Khorne, the two 'Split-Daemon Swords' count as lightning claws >.>, more on those later.

Updates will happen as and when i have stuff with which to update <.<, but C+C on Chai would be welcome ^^ and also suggestions as to the name of this 10,000 point (not including non-baneblade superheavies) headache qould be welcome



I have to say that I'm loving that conversion, might I recommend adding further shading to the holes in the helmet?


(I happen to be a HUGE fan of Chaos Warrior helmets)


And the inside of his shoulder pad doesn't seem to be painted.


Since you said that your army is mostly Khorne dedicated, why not call it something corny (pun intended). "The Gore Mongrels" sounds pretty bloody and messy, befitting a Khornate army. Or maybe "The Bloody Eights" for your Traitor Guardsmen (spinoff of Lucky 13s).

Thanks for the comment, as i said, he is in the PIP queue, so there is a little still to go on him, and yeah, didnt notice the inside shoulder pad until the photo >.< that'll be rectified. Really like the Bloody Eights idea...not too sure of the gore hounds though, not ALL of them are savage reavers, and they are led by the Arch-Duellist X3


NEXT UP!!!! His terminator bodyguard, made in the same style as him

AAAH, Updates!!!! BIIIIG ones!!!!


Last time i promised pictures of Chai's bodyguard, and as promised here they are. Bear in mind that this army is going to be an amalgum of various forces with a unifying paint scheme, so the bodyguard consists of the leaders of the more important groups











and Ridley




In the meantime, however, i was also messing with a load of old models and bitz and seeing what i could come up with. here are some of the results...


Squad Champion montage



Lord Tarka the Demi-Demonic



Tarka's lower body is that of a carnifex, the upper is a heavily modded dread


Lord Hiro the Unshakable


This guy, a modded obliterator, is going to lead the force's terminators, but i made the upper leg of the bent one too short, so a little prudent modification will occur there


Squad Theasen (Tey-ah-sen)


Modified Dark Angels, backpacks going on later, also to be joined by other members of the mercenary force they represent, and also it's leader when i figure out how to make him


A Rhino



and last but not least


Lady Fadaline


My test piece for renegade Sororitas, loosely based on Trygon's. This is a prototype with the materials available, on the true pieces, the lower legs will be those of dark elves if can get them to work, I will also be using DE arms, like on this one. Their leader will be a converted Celestine


With regards to my first imagie, the Painted lord Chai, i was wondering whether he would benefit from a red ink coat (not sure what the updated one is, as i still have a full pot of 'red' ink) opinions?


As usual C+C greatly appreciated, and my hunt for a name still continues. Deca out

Lots and los of great ideas you got there.


May I suggest giving the Dread a Chaos Knight helmet, too? I never really like normal Tac Marine helmets on dread-conversions like these.


I also like the Oblit-conversion a lot, something I want to do too someday.


The lady is cool, too, though she looks a bit pregnant Oo

Thank you very much ^^


May I suggest giving the Dread a Chaos Knight helmet, too? I never really like normal Tac Marine helmets on dread-conversions like these.


hmm, on second look, i do think you're right there *raids bitzbox*


I also like the Oblit-conversion a lot, something I want to do too someday.


I wish you luck there my friend, this thing was hellish to cut up, and with the technique and tools i was using, it totally destroyed the upper legs, hence the ...fairly bad...GS replacements ^^ but it was pretty fun to do, and is the largest 'infantry' figure i've done (MC's dont count)


The lady is cool, too, though she looks a bit pregnant Oo

Does she O.o, well, she's had a paintjob since, and once my camera's done charging, i'll post her up...hopefully she'll look a little less pregnant ^^

More Photo Updates to come tomorrow, just wondering, what woul people's opinions of a macharite red body and bone coloured head be, with dark green cloth parts, brass shoulder trims light green eyes. weapons flesh washed brass if powered, silver with hawk turquoise casing if not


Also, im still looking for a name for these guys >.<


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