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Fire Hammers - 3000pts in 6 months..eeek!

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nice, i like the urban camo effect on the scouts, you've executed that well


also, i go with the common consensus, you, sir, are loopy


Thankyou sir! i was quite pleased with the camo effect, now i need to have a look at some other scouts for ideas on doing the boots.

as far as the wager is concerned i have faith! (although theres a guy on B&C doing a 1500pt ultra smurf army in 6 months and he looks like he struggled for time! his army is very, very sweet though.)

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The scout looks really good Darkwrath, its nice to see that you've managed to execute the scheme on other models - my mate can't seem to do that to save himself lol. You got any vehicles on the go at all? The camo cloaks on those snipers look really good, how did you go about it?



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The scout looks really good Darkwrath, its nice to see that you've managed to execute the scheme on other models - my mate can't seem to do that to save himself lol. You got any vehicles on the go at all? The camo cloaks on those snipers look really good, how did you go about it?




I have 7 tanks to paint, 2 preds, 1 razorback, 1 whirlwind, 1 vindicator, 1 terminus ultra land raider, and 1 land raider crusader! a couple of them were bought off friends already assembled so i can't do any interior detail, but most of them will have lovely painted gubbins inside.


thanks for all the comments and encouragement guys! I need to keep motivated for this mammoth task (doesn't help that i paint so slowly!) and this is helping alot.


tonights update is a small one due to other more domestic things needed doing but it's better than nowt :D


a few details on the scout heavy bolter guy



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chapter badge? why are they called the "fire hammers"? symbol? :D


Details details :)


I do have a chapter symbol scribbled onto a piece of paper somewhere, i'll dig that out an post it here.

as for fluff....all will be revealed as soon as i've fleshed out some of the rough idea's i've got floating round my head.

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The scout looks really good Darkwrath, its nice to see that you've managed to execute the scheme on other models - my mate can't seem to do that to save himself lol. You got any vehicles on the go at all? The camo cloaks on those snipers look really good, how did you go about it?




sorry chap, i nearly missed your question, the camo cloaks were a base of shadow grey, then a wash of badab black followed by random shapes of codex grey and adeptus battlegrey, just try to use the camo to break up the outline of the cloak or gun.


anyway, as constant updates of scouts is going to bore everybody, i thought i'd drop in some of the more interesting stuff thats either in progress or in the pipeline.


thunderfire cannon - going to go to town on the weathering for this eventually, but for now...



this is one of my termies (going to be called Druss probably, a virtual cookie to anyone who can name what book or books that name is from :lol: )





and this will be the Earl of Bronze once he's done,



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Oooh yellow boltguns! Awesome, one of the best colours for them I've seen so far. Better than the generic black anyway.


The painting is cool too, although the scouts look like they need another coat. THe paint looks streaky on the red. Just commenting.

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You paint slowly?! Dayum hell you've made some rather speedy progress, darkwrath! Plus the fact that you're going to pretty up the bases as well instead of just flocking them; you're not flocking slow, you're like flocking Speedy Gonzales or something... :pinch:


Love the camo scheme on the scout cloaks & weapons. Go darkwrath go!

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Looking good mate, still loving that camo scheme. Is the colour scheme for your termies going to be the same, or are you going to differentiate it? (Big word for me at this time of night!)



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@Doghouse - Thanks! going to use some teqhniques from the Forgeworld modelling masterclass book on the thunderfire cannon and on the tanks, so hopefully the weathering is going to improve.


@Captain Mike - Cheers, i wasn't sure about the boltgun colour initially, but as always my friend Blindhamster was correct :D


@Kikunosuke - Thanks chap! considering doing all the pretty bases once i've done everything else, i'll see how i progress first.


@Ekkanus - i don't really know to be honest. i was thinking of keeping them in the same scheme. or swapping the colours around or just swapping the red and white around on the helmets. i'll think of something. unless anyone has any cool ideas?


anyway, i thought it would just be rude to post a reply and not post some piccys :)


Dev Sarge on his new spangly base!




Tactical squad sarge with drum mag bolter - he's not finished yet




had a crack at an assault marine too - he's FAR from finished




perhaps i should start doing whole units rather than whatever takes my fancy? any thoughts on production line painting?

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Wow, great color scheme. Weathering looks good. I think you might try a quick "toning" wash on your urban camo, to even out the colors. Just a super-thin wash of dark blue or black should do it. Looking nice, watching this with interest.
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@Dark Brotherhood - thanks! the scouts are going to get some more weathering to their cloaks eventually, dirt and dust etc at the bottom of the cloak.


@Captain Chapel - 2700pts in 2 months! yikes! you paint ALOT faster than i do :cuss


as it's a sunday i thought i'd amuse myself with a bit of theraputic converting, started to re-do my master of the forge that i posted a while back (i think it's a dead thread by now)


here's the start of the conversion beamer, i can vaugely remember what the old GW model (one of the space crusade booster packs it came in i think?) looked like so it's closer to that than my first version but it's beefed up a bit.



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hey bud, glad you put up some extra progress!

The guys are coming on nicely, the completed backpack for the dev sergeant came out rather awsome methinks.

Also thinking the conversion beamer looks pretty sweet :)


For the termis I would say either keep them the same as everyone else or maybe swap the bone colour for black... kinda like the 1st company for the luna wolves before they all ended up in black armour. If not black then keep them the same but add more gold/silver to them.


Keep up the good work.

p.s. I'll be putting some of my own progress pretty soon too, so keep your eyes pealed

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looking very nice indeed!


did anyone say, names from david gemell's Drenai series? although Druss should have a big axe! and will the Earl actually have bronze armour? :lol:





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@Lysimachus - well done! as the one and only person to reply you get.......


A big stack of cookies!



and yes Druss should have a big axe but fear not a replica of Snaga is in the works (the axe will count as two lightning claws in a game :lol:) and the earl of Bronze will be bronze too! keep your eyes peeled as Waylander the Slayer will be making an appearance.

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here's the start of the conversion beamer, i can vaugely remember what the old GW model (one of the space crusade booster packs it came in i think?) looked like so it's closer to that than my first version but it's beefed up a bit.



Hmm...it looks rather front-heavy though (even for a space marine). If you can cover up the plasma coils, this conversion of a conversion beamer would be ace. Apologies about my opinions...hope you don't mind.

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@Kikunosuke - yeah it is a bit front heavy, got a few ideas to cover the plasma coils, but thinking i should concentrate on the rest of the army first! got carried away with ideas for the MotF 's bike so i need to stop :wallbash:



Here's the tac squad sarge done apart from painting the base



and here's the start of a running devastator marine


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tried some realistic weathering on the thunderfire cannon tonight, it's still FAR from finished and needs some colour tweakage but what do you guys think so far?





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