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AoBR Dreadnought

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Took 3-4 hours to get just about everything the way I wanted, but in the end I'm fairly pleased with it. I might go back in and add another seal or two, but I'm leaning towards "it's done; don't clutter it"


I'm going to reshoot the pictures with a different camera; the one I have now is not working the way I want it to. Out of 20 pictures, 3 came out good *grumble*


Hope you enjoy!

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A .005 Micron Archival Pen? Now where can I get one of those...


Nice paintjob. I've never been a big fan of blended highlights, IMHO it makes it look like a plush toy. But you made it look very nice. :P

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I get mine from Hobby Lobby in the pen/ink section. It's got an itty-bitty tip and is perfect for these kinds of small jobs or darkening panel lines and such. Michaels and possibly other hobby style stores will have it. I've also seen them offered online awhile back; not sure if they still are.


Hope that helps! :D

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