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SOB Land Raider


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I've been working on this land raider for this years golden demon. I just got internet, so I haven't been able to post this earlier, so it's about half done now. I'll slowly post the pictures I've already taken - purely for suspense reasons.








test scheme


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Maybe it is doc thunder's one.

The sponsons are made from the tops of razorback/preds, baneblade track guard parts, and plasticard.


In truth I am doing the commission for Doc Thunder.





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It is a bit wide, but after working on it for so long, I really think the width and size and bulkiness make it so much more imposing. It just wouldn't be the same if it had land raider sized sponsons.


The metal relief pieces are from that limited edition exorcist kit.



Updates! (sort of)



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While the patinting is great, I'm just not a fan of anything with huge sponsons/turrets slapped on the side. It looks like more of a liaility on the battlefield than an asset. And I can't imagine the logistical nightmare of trying to transport the thing inside a Thunderhawk, unless you mod a "Big Belly" T-Hawk just for it.


But the painting really is ace. Nice blends, and good complimentary colors.

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Terrible ->Oh, its going to be done in all the same blue. I have a sort of OCD way of painting, rather than doing the whole model one layer at a time, I paint individual sections. I get too bored and frustrated doing it the way that covers the whole model. It is a really impractical and more time consuming way of painting, and it is also harder to achieve shading done equally over the whole model, but it is the way I paint.




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These are the most recent pictures I've taken





These were taken about a month ago. I'll have new pictures hopefully later today.

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I like the blue colour very much. I paint my models in a very similar way to you - I tend to get bored easily if I basecoat the whole model, then layer the whole parts blah blah, whereas at least if I paint it in stages, I can set myself an easier goal - takes me about a week and a half to paint one model that way mind, but it saves you throwing it against the wall!! Looking forward to seeing it finished.



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Sorry It wasn't "later today,' I got side tracked with a number of things. Anywhere here are pics as of March 26th.




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So I decided to screw suspense and you guys can see where it is right now.





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