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Land Raiders Against Eldar


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I have been writing a few 1750 point lists and one includes a Land Raider Crusader and a normal Land Raider. My main opponent is Eldar and we always draw, I want to break the stalemate. I know exactly what my opponent can field and I'd say he can field about 4 Bright Lances. Now, the LRC would be packed with Assault Terminators and Lysander, the other LR will have a Tac Squad. I was going to use my LR's with 2 Dreads with TL-LC's and three Land Speeders or two Land Speeder Typhoons to give covering fire and take down his two Wraithlords, and thus two Bright Lances.


I wouldn't have many men but if I take down those Bright Lances, my opponent can't hurt my Raiders and once Lysander and his squad come into play I don't see how my enemy can pull back a victory. Also I was thinking of having a Scout Squad with combat blades, a Sergeant with a combi-flamer and PF, to hunt some Eldar Pathfinders.


I was always led to believe putting LR's up against Bright Lances suicide, especially as they cost 250 points each but the possibilty for destruction may well end this stalemate.


Does anyone have any advice?

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I think since you are using two LR against 4 bright lances you should get 1 to the front lines. If you get first turn I would run them 12 instead of shooting and blow smoke use them to cover other things. Still very risky if he rolls lucky. Just make sure to take extra armor. IF feel that you cannot win if even one is popped then I would just drop them all together. Deep Srike Lysander and run the tach squad in a rhino or drop pod.
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My Dreads down his Wraithlords at range easily. With the two TL-LC's of the Raider and the Missile Launcher of the Land Speeders, I think I could take down them down even easier. He'll have a Twin Linked Bright Lance on his Waveserpent and possibly one in a Guardian squad. He has one War Walker but I don't think he'll use it as he knows my lascannons would rip it apart.
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