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Storm of Iron

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Hi everone


Suprise I never posted this when I made this project last year (was really really busy is my reason ;) )


Right to start of, for those who don't know I use to attend a NQ, HNC, HND model making course in Glasgow. Last year was my finial year (HND) & as such we where give a Finial year project that could be base upon anything we wanted, as long as it was with in our skills, being on time, able to be finish on time. If a person though to big, they where ask to re-think it.


Lucky for me, my college teach has faith in me (I did not need a interview for my model because I had everthing work out).


Anyway for the finial year project I done last year, I base it upon Storm of Iron the finial battle sence for many reason

- It because of Graham McNeill who recommended me to the course back in 2005 when he saw my IW that Conflict Scotland

- I wanted to show many side of model making being architectural & sort of movie effects**, while people in my course focue on one or the other, but not both. Just the end of the year show we had, we tend to get a lot of model making company in & I wanted to show I can work in many area with in model making, instead of focuse on the one area.


**If anyone seen the Halo diorama on youtube you'd know what I mean.


Anyway onto the model.


A few finial note


- Now first up I know I miss a lot parts that where with in the book Storm of Iron & that it maybe light on the IW side of things. This was due to time was against me as I was busy pretty much everday when I done this project last year, this was thing like, Working part time with Games Workshop so it was working there Sat & Sun, go to college on Mon & Tue moring (usely the off days) & then offical in college Wed to Fri through out the three months of this finial year project.


- Also the Imperail Fist you see, I know there not the best of painted. But they had to be done quickly (basicly they where painted 30 min before I went to bed on the day before our finial year project needed to be finish), I've never been a fan of painting bright colours. While the IW are older once just to help me with the very limited time I had. I don't belive I had a single day off with in those three months with working for GW & going to college, but it was worth it :HQ:

Also the main focuse was purly on the building & effect over all.


I will when I have time go back & add onto these & once I paint IF right possible replace the once I have in this model. But as said time was against me a lot & I was alway busy (2008 was a busy year for me in general)


For the model overall, everthing came from my own mind & what was writen down by my friend Graham McNeill in the Storm of Iron Book. I had to work out ever size, how thing would look. While other people in my course had plan's for there model that where already scale down.

I had to work out ever single little thing, ever little size.... also on a ++ side... any mistake made where "battle damnge" which became a running joke through out my finial year on the college course.

Also I only had two drawing to work from being the new cover of SoI & the plans with in the page.


Also before I forget this is base upon the near finial bit of the battle sence that take place with in the book


Now onto photos


WIP photos












With this photo (below the comment) as you can see the blue foam was cut out to show some of the MDF wood base, this was so the building could fit in. Just in the event someone (lucky never happen) was not careful & bump into the model breaking parts. So doing this made sure that would never have happen, which was tested to no end by my college teach to wind me up.






Stair where made to be taken on/off for painting reason




Some Imperial egal's needed for my building, these where lazer cut from clear plastic. Where very firgle & any part missing (lot fallen down in the lazer cutting machine) where "battle damnge". Also it cool because I know have a temp for spray perfect Imperial Egals (sp?) onto building or tanks.




Exsample of the Imperial Icon




Another Lazer cut, this was going to be the main door that led into the finial part in SoI. For those who read the book will know how the IW built this fort. So I wanted this image to be of the per-heresy days & how they capture the fort useing the IW art work found in Index Astarties article a few year back


















For those intrested here is the project log I done last year on the Iron Warriors 4th Grand Company of the project




Also Graham McNeill put my stuff on his Web stie/blog


Stuff other people have done.


One of the things that’s really rewarding about this job is seeing how people who read my books have gone on to take my characters onwards and do their own things with them. After Storm of Iron came out, I remember loads of GW store managers telling me – with varying degrees of frustration and/or glee – that the number of Iron Warriors armies in their stores had shot up. That’s just one example, but in recent times I’ve had contact with a couple of guys who’ve done some really amazing things that I’d like to share with you.


Many moons ago I was at Conflict: Scotland, where I met a guy called Jamie Farquhar, who was thinking about going to the Glasgow College of Building and Printing to do a model-making course. We chatted at the event and he showed me his Iron Warriors army, which was very nicely made and had lots of very cool conversions. Anyway, many years later I got an e-mail from Jamie through the website where he told me that he was indeed on his model-making course and that he was going to build part of the fortress from Storm of Iron for his end of year show and could I help him out with the background (where I got my ideas and inspiration from etc). We chatted many times over e-mail and, long story short, Jamie had his end of year show and if you’d like to see some exceptionally cool models of the fortress then follow the links below and you’ll see what I mean:


The first link is to a forum topic on the Iron Warriors 4th Grand Company website:






As said once I get time I'll try to add a bit more that was in the story of SoI. The overall model was a bit hit during my finial year project, spent three to four hours speaking solid about the project on the finial year show's open night. Then spent the next few days going over again & again about the project.


Overall it was a great project & as said was a big hit in term of attasion, got a lot of good comments, lot of model making companies took great intrest & just funny to find out that some of them use to collect Warhammer 40k as well, was really wired to find out how many fellow 40k player there where in my college.



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Looks great, can't wait to see more; and of course I'm glad someone took on this project!


The model been finish for a year :huh: (just add on things but not any time soon), just never got around to posting a topic until now due to a busy life. Though it should be time to finial get it posted on other fourms.



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it looks really great :P it must have been difficult to paint :P


Nah, I think it was a mere day for painting, just the spray gun was taken a while due to the product design ( :P ) student hogging up the spray room area for sanding. The side took two can of Black Undercaot spray can's.


Terminatorinhell Posted Today, 03:07 PM

wow thats cool, especially the guy getting kicked off!


Ether posted above or in the link I have some Iron Warriors playing some card's in one of the towers ;)



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:jaw: That is a superb piece of work, definately worthy of showing on B&C :tu: . Glad your tutors allowed you to build such a great piece.


Just one small pick-up though. It was hard work reading your post :P (I gave up halfway through your first paragraph <_< ) I think spelling and grammer check would be your best friend in cases like this .


On the plus side, I wish I had the space, time and tools you have available to build something like that.

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Just one small pick-up though. It was hard work reading your post (I gave up halfway through your first paragraph ) I think spelling and grammer check would be your best friend in cases like this .


I have SPD, a difficult with reading & writen/ another fourm of dyslexie (sp?). Spell checking dose not help me in anyway (like to/too, where/were, that/at).


Marshal2 Crusaders Posted Today, 07:22 PM

What is your major? Model Design? Like Architecture? I need to be doing that, bump International Affairs


It a NQ, HNC & HND in model making, the only course in Scotland, Glasgow.


While here, this was part of my first year (NQ), this was shown agies back but the topic been clean out along with the older topic. It basicly a Iron Warriors helmet (got a biker helmet from e-bay for £4)




Sadly that was the only Warhammer 40k related stuff I was allowed to do in the course.


On the plus side, I wish I had the space, time and tools you have available to build something like that.


If I had none done the SoI during my college course I'd be looking that £300 roughly worth of meterail, etc.... But since college had the materail for free, all was good & I could go a bit wild. If there was more time I would have like to gone in a bit more detail in the sence of adding resin water effect & a few other stuff.



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