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Retinue Rules. Unit of Servitors, & and/or weapon swap Qs


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What designates a command squad as a retinue...or really, can the command squad be a separate entity from the Capt? What about the Honor Guard?


- In the BRB, pg 48, it just says something to the effect of some Codecies (SP?) allow you to purchase characters w/ a special unit with a name like bodyguard/retinue and that he/she can not leave it until that unit's members are out-of action. (kind of works for the Honor Guard...but not really)


- In C:SM, on pg 132, it only states that you can have 1 CMD Squad for every SM Capt. in your army. (From my understanding, like the old IG's you can have 1 Iron Fist sqd for each Infantry Platoon)


- The only thing I was able to find to support this squad being a retinue was on C:SM pg 104, under Mighty Heroes where is says that each (the Capt and Master) has the "option for a retinue unit"...GLORY BE!!! Q was answered...then I read the FAQ and it changed that specific point to say "an extra HQ unit"



Same thing kind of goes w/ the Techmarine's Servitors...does the TM/MoF have to be w/ said unit?


- Doesn't really say that the servitors have to be w/ the TM. Only mention was like pt 2 for my question earlier...on C:SM pg 138


- Other part was Mindlock rule...but that says IF a TM/MoF is w/ them the test is auto-passed...nothing else



Lastly, when it comes to weapon options w/ stuff like you can give up X and/or Y for whatever...is there a two handed weapon limit? I see multiple ways for this to go...


- ex 1. CMD squads say that I can trade a BP and/or CCW with list-o-items...well what if I wanted a MG for my BP and a SB for my CCW?


- ex 2. same sit...can I trade CCW for PG and keep the BP for when I want to assault?


- ex 3. same sit again but I'm going back to when there was a distinction between 1 and 2-handed weapons...if I wanted a PG/MG/FL, I have to give up both.


Any takers?

1/ No command squads and honour guard squads are not 'retinue' squads, the CM/CC is still an IC and can thus leave the units / not join the units and does not benefit from being untargetable in close combat


2/ By my reading no MotF / Techie's do not have to be with the servitor squads


3/ You can take whatever you want, hence a relic blade and a storm bolter is a valid combo, you just won't be getting any bonus attacks in close combat


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