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Is there something Daemons really hate?

Shadow Dawn

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Have a mate that has just picked up a pretty well rounded Daemons army.

Would love to beat him for a change.

Is there anything that really takes them apart?


I'd love a couple cheap tricks to kill


a) Daemon Troops


:HQ: Crazy HQ's


c) The damn Soul Grinders (2)


I play Codex Marine.

I have everything to play with.



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ion my experiance taking a Daemonhunter inquisitor with 2 mystics is ace

put him in a rhino/ behind a rhino

and stick him next to your two most shooty units


so a pread with lascannons and a devestator squad with heavy bolters for example


a nice mix of high stregth and lots of shots


now eveytime a daemon appear/deep stikes you get to shoot them

in their turn :huh:

always good fun

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Gray Knights are useless against the Chaos Daemons codex in 5th. It's really lame, but apparently nothing in the Daemon codex has the Daemonic special rule, and therefore you get few benefits against them. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's in a FAQ of some kind. Perhaps I'm simply reading the RAW.

As far as their standard infantry, Plasma and Vindies do a good job handling Plaguebearers, and any type of mass fire will wipe out Horrors in short order. Cover is helpful in particular with Tzeentch Troops. The Soul Grinders are quite nasty, but melta hunters like DP Sternguard and Attack Bikes/LS can handle them pretty well. Also take note that in general their ability to wipe heavy tanks at range is pretty sad, so Preds and LR will have a happy day.

The big monsters are hard to counter. Hidden PF in large squads can help to whittle them down, though the best answer may be big characters like Lysander and durable heavy hitters such as TH/SS termies. Also, in general a Libby with Null Zone is awesome, for obvious reasons. Build him with Terminator Armor, NZ, Vortex, and the Epistolary upgrade and he could be really nasty. BTW does anyone else think FW should ignore Invul saves? FLUFF ATTACK! B)

On a side note, the Mystic metagame concept is actually a pretty good idea, and it helps to deal with DP heavy C:SM armies too.

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When fighting Daemons, it's all about the Null Zone. Even Plaguebearers and Daemon Princes, the most resilient non-vehicle units in the book will struggle to survive when their Invulnerable save can't be relied upon. One particularly nasty trick is to take a unit of Sternguard in a Drop Pod, and buy at least two combi-flamers and combi-meltas. Attach either a Librarian in Terminator armor (to make sure he isn't taken out by lucky Daemon shooting before being able to do his thing) or Tigurius and drop in, use Null Zone and let units of Daemons have it with the flamers, while the big ones like Greater Daemons and Princes will fall to the combi-meltas and rapid fired hellfire rounds from bolters.


About the only units you don't want to try this against are Soul Grinders, who don't use Invulnerable saves as is and really aren't very concerned about bolters or flamers and Bloodcrushers, whose armor save is good enough that they won't mind being shot by hellfire rounds or flamers, and who won't be instant-killed by meltaguns (since they're T5 and Eternal Warriors).


Naturally, the more combi-weapons you take in your Sternguard unit, the more devastating this combo will be. If you really want to be mean, run Vulkan He'Stann and giggle as you reduce entire units of Daemons to ash and banish the most powerful denizens of the Immaterium back to where they came from.

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as Fire Drake said, Null Zone is an excellent psychic power to use. but couple that with a unit of sternguard poisoning the army to death and you've got a recipe of holy crap death on your hands. I haven't faced off against a soulgrinder yet but I'd say a few lascannons and TH/SS terminators should do the trick.
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I wouldn't really suggest hammernators against a Soul Grinder. Grinders have AV13 and are unaffected by shaken or stunned results. Normal Terminators with a couple chainfists would be a better bet, or Captain Lysander. But the easiest way to deal with Soul Grinders is to use melta weaponry, so use close combat only as a last resort.
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Demons are just as or more vulnerable to massed shooting as a space marine. Anything you can do to force a large number of saves (and Null Zone effectively increasing the number of saves they need to roll) is a good thing. Thunderfires are a thing of beauty for this, and have an added ability (which may or may not be of much use) to force difficult terrain tests at the cost of fewer wounds.


As others have mentioned, being highly mechanized will help a lot of the time. If a non-vehicle unit gets caught in hand to hand, you might as well write it off.

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While alot of GK powers don't work their str 5, AP4 ignore invunerable save flamers work pretty well at toasting those daemons, o and the masters NFW can ignore eternal warrior so insta kill daemons, my GM took down 2 tooled bloodthirsters before finally being brought down by a third :)
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