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Sons of Orar Rhino

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Hi Brothers!

thought I'd stick up some pics of the Rhino I'm working on along side my Sons of Orar Tactical Squads.

**NOTE: I'm not including it in my Call of the Imperium Pledge as we are expecting our second child next thursday so I don't want to over reach myself and fail!***


I'd had the mini paint stripped for a while, but wasn't sure what to do with it. Once I started work on my marines though the little wheels in my head began to turn. Then once I started playing with building army lists and rapidly realised that I wasn't going to win any battles by walking everywhere, (and because I still don't have the will to paint my drop pods) I've rebuilt, undercoated and began painting my sole Rhino. The results of which are below:

Side View:


(The red is only basecoated just now. Once I finish the Marines I'm doing for the call I'll be using the same red for the Rhino's armour. The reason I'm doing this first is that I haven't mixed up enough of the red to do both so in the name of consistency the troops have first dibs on the remaining paint and I'll mix up a fresh batch fot the Rhino)

Top View:


(the more astute among you may notice that the storm bolter is not a Rhino storm bolter. It is infact from the SM drop pod kit... I used the storm bolter from this Rhino for something else and couldn't find it when I was rebuilding the kit, so I bodged one together and I think it does a reasonable job of looking the part).


The other hatch:


(the ultramarine decal is there to assist my otherwise poor freehand skills when painting the chapter device on the door)


Now I know there is much arguement about painting the interior of vehicles, and normally I would fall among those who steadfastly believe that they should be painted. However in order to keep my motivation to paint, I decided not to do the interior this time as I'd able to get the model done quicker and so wouldn't get distracted.


anyways C&C always appreciated,



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Looking good. I really like the Sons of Orar, heck I have even recently added one to my Deathwatch Kill Team (who are now sadly reduced to being Sternguard)


The white is good and the shading on the red is up to your usual excellent standards. I also see you have been a little sneaky and recycled a Drop Pod S/Bolter.


As to the interior. Personally I never paint them. I thinks that unless its a display piece it really is a waste of time. But thats just me.

Thanks Thantoes, I feel a lot less bad about not doing the interior of the Rhino now. I'm really pleased with the colour combos I've ome up with through my 'display minis' they're paying dividends now, and the red and white are my favourites, they;re really easy to do and produce good results every time :D.


Cheers tagsta, I'll hopefully have more done soon...



  • 3 weeks later...

Slightly updated photos (I've taken new ones today to replace the poorly lit one I posted last night). All the details are done, I'm now going over the hull with the last layers of red, I've done the top, front and underside so far so just the back and sides to go, then it's on to the hatches and their markings before finishing up the tracks :rolleyes:.











feel free to leave c&c




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