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Pedro Kantor Count-as

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Hi Everyone,


I have recently tried my hand at a count as Pedro Kantor, Here's what I came up with:




And a better view of the Storm Bolter:





As you can see, he's got a shoulder pad missing as I don't know what to use him for yet. I was thinking of maybe doing a Deathwatch force..



Comments and Criticism are appreciated.




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I like him, the power fist best of all. The pose is good for me, but I'm not so sure about the gun. I know it needs to be distinct from "just" a bolt pistol but I'm not sure about your take. but thats me being picky ;)
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MwaM: Now that you mention it, the upper body does look a bit big compared to the waist.


I'll add a tabard or something to him a bit later and put on a shoulder pad and then we can see if it looks any better then.




Tutteman: I'll try it with a storm bolter and see how that looks although, it may be a bit big.




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see if you can find an "old" terminator storm bolter, as those are rather small, yet still look like the real thing. Ill try and get a pic up


Like the one on the metal Termie captain?


back on topic:


Good model so far, he needs a little more 'Bling' and -as said above- a better-looking stormbolter



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Hi everyone, got a little done with this guy,


re-did his weapon

added a tabard I had lying around








what'cha think?


Still no idea what to add as 'bling'. Any ideas?




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