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[Artwork] 'MiniMasterpieces' galore!

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My dear brothers...


It's been long since I've opened up a thread in these hallowed halls having nothing to do with updating my Libris Primaris project involving the Primarchs and The Emperor.

However, that doesn't mean I haven't been illustrating more of the Dark Millenium in the meantime; as a matter of fact, I've been immersed in it for a long while and in all sorts of settings: from the vaults of the Adeptus Mechanicus forge-worlds to the light shining off of The Emperor's gaze, here are some of the 'MiniMasterpieces I've been doing for my clients:


First off, The Emperor. After all, if not for him, the Imperium we all bow fealty to wouldn't exist. This image is about half of the size I'm used to working with, but a bit larger than my MiniMasterpiece concept (which consists of drawing fully-coloured images of famous characters but in a very small canvas for a ridiculous price!).

I like the fact that the space constraint actually makes the figure of the Emperor even larger; as if he couldn't fit all of his great stature within any frame. I also like the sword, which I didn't have a chane to illustrate before.

Overall, I think this piece certainly shows my progress in skill and technique since my first rendering of the saviour of mankind.





Next up is one of the enforcers of The Emperor's will: Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn. Many of you may have seen my other image over at dA involving this renowned character and all of his retinue. Its success brought me back again to him and Cherubael and I think this image has the same strength in its small framing that the one of The Emperor has and for the same reasons. Also, I think Eisenhorn settled within my hand much better in this image than the first, thus enhancing the character's great personality.

The funny thing is I'm reading the trilogy or the first time and I didn't know a thing about Gregor when I did this image :(...




These two images were commissioned by out very own Codex Grey for his Heralds of Light DIY Chapter. We'd already worked together with Codex, so we really brought his vision smoothly to life this second time.

The warriors depicted are obviously battle brothers, enforcing the light of The Emperor in a battle torn city (which gave me the chance to draw rain, an effect I love!) and the second one puts us face to face with the Chapter Master of the Heralds. His eyes are something I particularly like and I think it's one of the best eyes I've drawn in quite a while.

The white armour is something I've alwasys liked, because I think it really brings forth that sense of 'clean' and righteous stature that Space Marines have.






Ah... The Adeptus Mechanicus! A debt I had with myself and the whole community and those who enjoy my artwork (and I think it's board-related now!). I've always loved the tech-priests of Mars and their whole Cult; it's in them I think, that the true gothic nature of Warhammer 40,000 is best represented. Thus, when I was asked to portray them I couldn't say no and I think this image came out very well; I particularly like the fact that there is so little flesh in the priest, and that even though he's almost all machine I was still able to draw facial features using the machinery and bionic implants.




This one's an oddity no one's seen besides the client, but I felt it was due time I showed it around: Kor'sarro Khan of the White Scars! There's been a lot of WS artwork/backgrond/miniatures development in the latest Codex, and so I sensed it was a matter of time before someone came along and asked me to take a stab at the oriental fellows... lucky for me, the prediction was true and I got the chance to try my hand at a different facial feature than the usual caucasian as well as some camera angles that I think gave the image a really powerful dynamism. I wouldn't like to cross paths with an angry Khan, that's for sure!

One detail I'm VERY proud of, is his eyes; though they're too small to have the colour the client requested them to have, I rather like the fact that I added the pupils, contrary to what I had envisioned at first in the sketch. I think it adds another layer of rage to the whole facial expression, truly worth the time it took me to get it just right.




And last, but not least, a Living Saint! This is my latest addition to my gallery. Also a commissioned work; A Living Saint manifesting herself in the battlefield to aid the Sisters of the Order of the Sacred Rose against a Black Legion Space Marine? What's not to like about a commission like this one? :D

There are quite a lot of details I like about this image: the gore effect of the sword impaling and burning the Chaos Space marine; the flames, which add that tremendous "pop" to the whole; the penitent stance of the Sister in the background as well as the hands in the foreground, which really takes us into the midst of the battlefield; the smoky and grim backdrop; the golden armour, reminiscent of my Primarchs and The Emperor...





So, I hope you enjoyed this rather long post and comment away! I don't think I'll be able to reply in insight to all of the comments but I'll surely try and answer questions and inquiries or critiques as best as my schedule allows!


Thank you in advance!


Aerion the Faithful.-

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These pieces all look great Aerion, and as always it is a great pleasure to view your work. I'm really enjoying these 'MiniMasterpieces' and hopefully we see some additional small works in the future from you. I'll tell you this, it's only a matter of time before I commission you, the hard part is deciding what I'd like illustrated. :(


Anyways exceptional work and hats off to you for posting this up here finally! :D

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it's only a matter of time before I commission you, the hard part is deciding what I'd like illustrated. confused.gif


couldnt have said it better myself. btw aerion, can you pm me with your commission rates, for when i do decide? :rolleyes:


keep up the good work, and I left my full critique on the saint on your deviantart page.

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These pieces all look great Aerion, and as always it is a great pleasure to view your work. I'm really enjoying these 'MiniMasterpieces' and hopefully we see some additional small works in the future from you. I'll tell you this, it's only a matter of time before I commission you, the hard part is deciding what I'd like illustrated. ;)

Anyways exceptional work and hats off to you for posting this up here finally! ;)


Thank you very much, Darth! You've always been very supportive of my work and I can only look forward to working with you in the future indeed. And there's certainly going to be a lot more of these MiniMasterpieces in the future!


Looks pretty what you´ve done with my design of Korsarro.


I'm glad you liked it, FF; it's always good to know you're still lurking around my threads ;) And yes, that illustration was based off of your fantastic model, which the client provided me pics of for reference. I saw it was very popular on its own, so I assumed the people would add 2+2, but just in case anyone missed it:


Kor'sarro Khan, The head taker arrives!!


I hope to see you around some more, if you have the time and keep up the excellent work, as usual!


it's only a matter of time before I commission you, the hard part is deciding what I'd like illustrated. confused.gif

couldnt have said it better myself. btw aerion, can you pm me with your commission rates, for when i do decide? :P

keep up the good work, and I left my full critique on the saint on your deviantart page.


I'll do that as soon as I've the time, my friend. Though, if you're over at dA, you should find the nformation on commissions available in my Journal footers ;) I'll see you there and cheers again!



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Awesome stuff. I will echo that viewing your work has always been a pleasure and these latest additions are no different. Being an avid Sister of Battle (my first army) player, I absolutley love the Living Saint, wreathed in holy flames, truly awesom.
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This is an interesting style, but did the living saint forget to put on all of her armor?


Heh, heh, heh... Actually, she didn't. But I figured that if she was rather a manifestation of the God-Emperor, than an actual living person, then she might not have to worry about being hit or killed; I mean, she'd already be dead. That's why i wanted to leave as much skin showing as I could, to convey that sense of power that comes with Saithood (and, of course, bare ladies are always a pleasure to work on).


Very nice indeed. Although the saint has a little too much on show at her rear, where the sisters are praying! Ha ha. Still looks good though.

Have I seen your artwork elsewhere? The faces look familiar...


Thank you, Mike! Good thing Sisters are Sisters or they might get distracted in the rear, right...? :lol:


Awesome stuff. I will echo that viewing your work has always been a pleasure and these latest additions are no different. Being an avid Sister of Battle (my first army) player, I absolutley love the Living Saint, wreathed in holy flames, truly awesom.


Thank you, mate! I'm a great fan of the Sisters and the Inquisition myself, and I think that's why it shows that my designs were inspired by their great background and came from the heart!


These look brilliant. I really like your style of drawing. Do you take inspiration from manga esque drawings, as they seem to have that feel about them?


Thank you! I actually don't take much inspiration from manga, Burias, but I have several art-books and have watched many animes and read angas, so there might be some hints here and there that have stuck with me.


All very nice, my favorite is Eisenhorn.


It is one of my favourites as well, and now that I'm finally reading the Trilogy... *whew I sense a LOT more Eisenhorn will be coming this way...


I might be biased, but I like them very much ;)

The Living Saint piece is incredible. I mean just look at the choas guy's head!

I really recommend hiring Aerion, he's the best


A happy client is always a joy to hear from! Thank you very much for the kind words as usual, and the originals should be arriving there soon, mate! I hope you enjoy them as much in real life as you've done so far.


Sweet! I think they all turned out great. The Emperor is fantastic, probably my favorite rendition of him. It's also great to see a new SoB pic from you. The gold turned out really good!



My good Cap'n! It's been AGES since we've spoken but I'm always glad to see you around and watching my artwork! That Emperor piece is also one of my favourites, and I think it might be because I managd to convey the authority that the first one lacked.

I hope we can catch up soon!


They're all awesome, but the Living Saint . . . it's just too cool for words.




Odd, Codex Grey's Heralds of Light have the exact same color scheme as me, well, except for the eyes. Mine are green.

Still, amazing pictures!


It happens, mate. When you have so many players of Space Marines as there are out there and as imaginative with DIY Chapters too, then you're bound to get some idea the same as the next guy. In the end, i think every Chapter (despite their heraldy and scheme) is unique in their background and they all fight the good fight against the enemies of Mankind!

Thank you for the compliments!


Excellent work you got there Aerion!

I especially like the way you portray white and gold.

Love the Heralds of Light images!

Keep up the amazing work!


I'm always honoured to receive praise from a fellow artist and one I admire too! Thank you CMG! The golds I've found a new recipe to work them out, so I think they'll be looking better and better with practice.


What an awesome thread to come back to...

Eisenhorn and the Saint are my favorites, but I saved them all, as I do with all your work...


You have my illustrations saved? THAT is a great compliment! Many have told me that they keep my images in a folder but it's always and honour to hear it again... Thank you!


it's always good to know you're still lurking around my threads :lol:


Just checking that you´re not stealing others people´s designs :lol:




Erhm... okay, then. Keep at it! :lol:


Thank you all for posting and I hope to have an update on the 'Libris Primaris' project very soon!



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Just checking that you´re not stealing others people´s designs :)




If that were the case, I'm pretty sure GW would like a word with you...




As I'm certain simply curving a sword's blade and adding a few details doesn't constitute "original design - do not steal!". :P


All in good fun though. Regardless, very nice art as always. Your gold effect has visibly improved Aerion! :lol:

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Just checking that you´re not stealing others people´s designs ;)




If that were the case, I'm pretty sure GW would like a word with you...




As I'm certain simply curving a sword's blade and adding a few details doesn't constitute "original design - do not steal!". ;)


All in good fun though. Regardless, very nice art as always. Your gold effect has visibly improved Aerion! :)


You do know that that is the concept sketch he made for his version of the model. ;)

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Anyway, back on the topic...


I really do like them (especially the Eisenhorn, with the great use of background, Chapter Master and Living Saint drawings) but to me, the Khan one looks a little weird in regard to proportions. His shoulder pad looks to be too far back and the arm too much forward in the picture, if you get what I mean. I don't know if it is the angle or not, but the Khan looks a little wide when compared to his height. To me, the legs look a little off, but again, this could be the angle. Anyhow, that's all for now.

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Anyway, back on the topic...


I really do like them (especially the Eisenhorn, with the great use of background, Chapter Master and Living Saint drawings) but to me, the Khan one looks a little weird in regard to proportions. His shoulder pad looks to be too far back and the arm too much forward in the picture, if you get what I mean. I don't know if it is the angle or not, but the Khan looks a little wide when compared to his height. To me, the legs look a little off, but again, this could be the angle. Anyhow, that's all for now.

I envision Kor'sarro has just pounced on an adversary, crushing them, and is coming out of a crouching position to engage other foes with his bolt pistol. If that's the case, then I can understand why his torso area looks a little too far forward and his legs look a little farther back and apart. I do agree that the he looks a little wide when compared to his height. Space Marines tend to have that lean, muscular body build but in some cases there are the ones that are shorter and stalkier, like Kor'sarro in this illustration I suppose.

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