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Ph'nglui mglw'nafh C'thulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtag


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Long time *no* post B&C, been busy moving and with life, got the chance to pick up the brush again, and finally finished off Lord Thulu here. Only been working on him on and off for 3 maybe 4 years now....

oh well, all good things I guess

He's the Deamon Price for my very slowly being painted DG force. I have 3 nurglings that I have yet to work on, they will be held onto the base with magnets and will be used to count down wounds. But for the most part he's done and ready for the table top








minor grammar edit

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Awesome! I was thinking of doing something similar.. though, Cthulhu has wings!


nahh everyone throws wings on their DPs, that and I liked to keep the cloak going


Love the conversion, but i thinkt he head and tentacles need a wash of some sort (or another one).


It has been washed, photo doesn't show it very well, kind of bleached it out

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Ia! Ia! Chaos always had a very Lovecraftian feel about it and I like the conversion though it looks more like a terminator lord than a full fledged daemon prince to me. Also, you should do that black toad thing as a great unclean one, Tsathalgua or something, it's a huge black "toad" that lives underground and dines on the curious.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Minions to follow Lord Thulu's commands









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Yay! Crazed cultists for Lord Thulu!


They look great. I'm a fan of the Death Guard's pre-heresy colors, so to see these guys in the green and white instead of puke green, brown, and rust is awesome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to say that DP is so full of win!


Its a really simple conversion but I think thats what makes it SO good. It is that simple but no one has thought of it before (that I have seen) and youve picked parts that are the perfect scale for one another and that in its self is a talent.. You see a lot of converstions and stuff that are really overly busy but yours just has the perfect amount of stuff going on. Then you've finished it off with a nice paint job.


Good stuff!

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I think that head needs a little bit more pestilence and disease ;)


Its just so easily discernible as a genestealer head, maybe greenstuff a few boils or something.


Although you did say your done so a little late now.


still a very sexy and nice lookin model

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Another squad of diseased followers for Lord Thulu







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