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Bloodravens 4th WIP: Pic Heavy!

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Below some shots of my Bloodravens 4th Company First Tactical Squad, Sergeant Tarkus and some (clearly) WIP shots of Sergeant Avitus and his first Devastator Squad:












Been painting my fingers off in every spare hour I could muster to get it done before next week wednessday. It shows, unfortunately, loads of rushjob 'damage', but getting there! Got a nice little game coming up I need these guys for!


C&C very welcome

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Fair enough. well yeh they look quite good but I'd advise if you haven't already to wash your metals and try to either freehand chapter symbols on or get some transfers for them. They are only small things but they will also change the whole look of the minis.


Another thing although it might seem wierd and is probably quite hard to change is to think about the colour of the bases as they are currently very dark so kind of blend in a bit with the models and don't help the minis "pop" I think had you gone for a lighter or more of a mid-tone then they might look very different.


However don't get discouraged keep going and just try to make each new mini better than the last! :drool:

If you're talking about the bases on the devastators: I haven't finished them yet. They're black! :D So yes they are quite dark. As for the Tac Squad, take it from me: it's light enough. The light I had was terrible, changing constantly from being overcast and sunny again :(
Well, igloo, let's hope he doesn't have to <_<. I just added it because I could, and it looked better with the Stormbolter. The chances that he will use it are slim, as this unit is not meant to be engaged in melee of course, and I doubt any significant enemy without jumppack or teleport ability will ever get near these guys without getting shot to sh*t. <_<

I imagine Sergeant Tarkus is looking up at a hive tyrant or something similarly awe inspiring.


@Dorn's padawan: spray with Chaos Black, coat with Devlan Mud and then drybrush with Red Gore. It takes about two to three layers to get right. I did the shoulderpads with a coat of brown first (not sure which) then Bleached Bone. Weathered the edges with brown and some Devlan mud again. Fairly simple really.


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