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Tyranic War Veteran


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"To kill or be killed, that´s the question"- Lucian Hamlet, veteran of the first company of the Ultramarines


Well, i had been looking this forums from the shadows like a Vindicare (ok ok, only power armoured, then a Raven Guard marine) for a while, and i think is time to show my first miniature here (well, that and that i finished it yesterday ^_^ ). So, a bit of introduction: After seeing the picture of the tyranic war veteran of the previous codex, i just can say.. woah.. (i don´t talk so much :P) and waited for the miniatures to see if they release it. Obviously, like with any other cool design, GW did´nt release the mini (at last they sell a cool unit...). So i say "well, this four different soldiers need a sergeant...what the hell...." and here is the result:






Hope you like it, C&C,Q&A and any other acronym that you like are welcome ^_^ :P (i will post more images tomorrow, including comparatives of his size)

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Very good sculpting. :D

Only some "misses" if you want it as exact as the concept as possible, like the thickness of the left shouldpadtrim and the lenght of the swordicon on the chest.


But i can understand that i may have been hard to get it exact, would probably be possible with a truescale marine though.


Very awsome!

Get it painted!

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The sculpting is beautiful, very detailed and exquisite, i dont really like the postioning of his legs though, its very stiff and undynamic, it would be a lot better to make him look relaxed a bit, with the knees bending slightly and the feet apart a bit more.
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The sculpting is beautiful, very detailed and exquisite, i dont really like the postioning of his legs though, its very stiff and undynamic, it would be a lot better to make him look relaxed a bit, with the knees bending slightly and the feet apart a bit more.


Well he is an Ultramarine :D (joking, this is in no way a remark intended to be taken as serious insult aimed at the Ultras)

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Very well done, I'd start by saying that the marines head is what drew my attention first, I've sculted a few bare marine heads myself and can appreciate the work involved so congrats on that!


My only critique would be the sword on the chest looks a bit too chunky, since the eye is naturally drawn there especially since he's not holding a weapon across his chest you would want that area flawless.


Once again though, great job!

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Sweet mother of Terra. You're getting nothing helpful from me. That is just. Awesome.


I suggest you send that picture along with a job application to GW HQ tomorrow morning, and then in a few months we can all be fondling models as sweet as that. (please) That would have made a significantly better Games Day special release, or special GW birthday model than what they had.


I'd say Im look forward to seeing it painted, but secretly i'd rather you didnt.. so there is the opportunity to get a cast made :pinch:. Though with those skills, I expect you could manage to whip up a second one if pushed (by what will hopfully be your GW masters soon).

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Well, firs of all thanks to everybody, now let´s start answering:


Anyone who talks about the legs :cuss : Truly, in the picture he has one of his legs in a more "relaxed" position, but (answering to Grand Master) i worked over a pre-made legs and torso, and didn´t want to converse them. I wanted a marine in a "firms!!" position, to show how tall a marine really is (i´m a bit tired of "riding horses" space marines). Not dinamic? maybe, but he don´t need it, he has killed his enemy already... ;) More: His feet are in a correct position, maybe they are a bit big, or you´re not used to this kind of stance (let´s be honest, the space marine armour it´s... "curious" in several parts... including his "Saturday Night Fever" legs) so maybe is more this than an incorrect thing. Maybe. Oh, the Gaunt head? It was TOO big, i tried it....


Harkus: It´s curious that you say that... (Darker looks carefully through his window looking for Flying Monkeys....)


InKara: I´m an "autodidact" (don´t know if this is the correct word in english). Years? Hum, less than three years since my first complete miniature (before that i really didn´t do anything important except for filling gaps... after it i sculpted three more minis (this is the fourth) and have several... uh... STC for pre-heresy pieces. You know, everything that a true space marine must have :cuss ^_^ )


AnyonewhotalksaboutworkinginGW: To achieve that? a dream. Possible? who knows? But hey, if FW is interested i´m not going to say anything :P


And more photos to show you how tall this marine is... (i repeat it, it´s on scale, really!!!):








"Are you talking to me?" XD




Thanks to everybody for your comments!! (and sorry if i forget to answer something ^_^ )

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I'm going to be mr nasty and say I don't like it. Don't get me wrong, the sculpting is amazing and very well done. However, I find he is too static, and I never really liked the picture either.


But from a purely sculpting perspective, it is a very good job.

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