gil galed Posted May 23, 2009 Share Posted May 23, 2009 So i've got a 1500pt pure grey knights list which is: Hq: Grand Master= 185 ~MC NFW ~Icon of Just Retinue= 153 ~2x GKT + Incinerator ~1x TH/SS Elite: GKTS= 178 ~Brother Captain ~Psycannon ~1xGKT Troops: GK1 = 235 ~Justicar ~7X PAGK ~Incinerator GK2= 225 ~Justicar ~3x PAGK ~2x Psycannon GK3= 250 ~Justicar (melta bombs) ~5x PAGK ~2x Incinerator Heavt Support: Phoebos LR =250pts Dreadnought1=140pts ~TLLC/ML Dreadnought2=140pts ~TLLC/ML 1506 Obviously some playing around is necasarry thought i'd bump it up to 1850 with a few models, add one GKT to each of the GKT squads (92 pts) Add wargear like targetters, smoke launchers etc. BUt the main thing is i want to run an assassin (got an eversor and a vindicare atm), now the question is should i run an effectively naked inquisitor (give him a PW and away he goes with a PAGK squad) or should i pay the pts to make him good?? i don't have any retinue models and i'm hesitant to buy any as i can't see me running it all the time, but i'd like advice on how i should run him or he he should be an HQ slot and what i can get (was thinking if he doesn't join a squad perhaps him and 2 mystics behind one of the Dreads thus blocking line of site and providing some anti deep strike as he can designate something else to shoot (like the home base 2x psycannon squad) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jeffersonian000 Posted May 23, 2009 Share Posted May 23, 2009 I've had the same question myself, as I've been working on adding an assassin to my army and want to do so on the cheap; i.e., an elite inquisitor. Seeing as I want him to be useful to me, I picked a model with obvious heavy range weaponry, and priced out his wargear to include powered armour and a psycannon. My intension is to attach him to a 2x Psycannon PAGK squad as a 3rd Psycan in that squad, which both increases their staying power and fire power while allowing the inquisitor to benefit from Shrouding and unlock the Callidus I'm planning on fielding. As I'm not planning on moving/transporting that specific squad around the field (they will basically sit on an objective or remain in cover), this seems like the best build for me for that pesky elite. Sound like what you are looking for? SJ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aidoneus Posted May 24, 2009 Share Posted May 24, 2009 A nice, cheap, effective Inquisitor would be this: Inq Lord: termy armour, psycannon 3 Henchmen: 2 mystics, 1 sage It costs 122pts, but it offers a fully-mobile BS5 psycannon protected by termy armour, 3 wounds and Iron Will, with 1 throw-away henchmen (sage) and the 2 mystics to allow a dread or PAGK squad to fire at incoming deep-strikers. This is the sort of unit the fellows over at Bell of Lost Souls are so fond of, and for good reason. Of course, if you want cheaper, you could always have the same unit but replace termy armour and psycannon with something like scourging, or even a storm bolter (with our without psycannon bolts). Another option I like is a lone Elite Inquisitor with psycannon, and then throw him in with your 2x psycannon PAGK squad. Makes for a very nice firebase, and the Inq is only 50pts (and only 1 KP), plus he's protected by the ablative wounds in the PAGK squad. For what it's worth, go with the Eversor instead of the Vindicare. Callidus is good too. In all the games I've ever played with the Vindicare, I have never not been disappointed with him. He's just terrible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gil galed Posted May 24, 2009 Author Share Posted May 24, 2009 Aidoneus said: A nice, cheap, effective Inquisitor would be this: Inq Lord: termy armour, psycannon 3 Henchmen: 2 mystics, 1 sage It costs 122pts, but it offers a fully-mobile BS5 psycannon protected by termy armour, 3 wounds and Iron Will, with 1 throw-away henchmen (sage) and the 2 mystics to allow a dread or PAGK squad to fire at incoming deep-strikers. This is the sort of unit the fellows over at Bell of Lost Souls are so fond of, and for good reason. Of course, if you want cheaper, you could always have the same unit but replace termy armour and psycannon with something like scourging, or even a storm bolter (with our without psycannon bolts). Another option I like is a lone Elite Inquisitor with psycannon, and then throw him in with your 2x psycannon PAGK squad. Makes for a very nice firebase, and the Inq is only 50pts (and only 1 KP), plus he's protected by the ablative wounds in the PAGK squad. For what it's worth, go with the Eversor instead of the Vindicare. Callidus is good too. In all the games I've ever played with the Vindicare, I have never not been disappointed with him. He's just terrible. Yeh i agree the eversor will see more action, i might run a vindi against a horde IG list for the pleasure of removing comissars and command squads as it is very hollywood, but the eversor is just to lush to pass up, especially as he can effectively kill a carnifex. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Uncle Mel Posted May 24, 2009 Share Posted May 24, 2009 To tye in with the other guys, i'll say the same! :D Either run him very very cheap, i.e. cc weapon and boltpistol, or get the tooled up shooty variant, anything inbetween is a waste. i usually run the cheap version to unlock assassins and get the tooled up version at 2000 and higher. my €0,02 Mel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aidoneus Posted May 24, 2009 Share Posted May 24, 2009 Uncle Mel said: Either run him very very cheap, i.e. cc weapon and boltpistol, or get the tooled up shooty variant, anything inbetween is a waste. Funny, I consider the BP/CCW version to be a waste of 22pts, but the psycannon version to be 50pts well-spent, as long as he's in with a psycannon squad. I guess it's all a matter of taste. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Uncle Mel Posted May 25, 2009 Share Posted May 25, 2009 well i generally add a melta bomb as well(though mostly because i have 5 pts to spare) and run him with IST with 2 meltaguns in a rhino, since he won't be able to shoot anyway i figured the 30 pts would be a bit of a waste, of course the two mystics and a familiar add on has some merit as well, especiallly versus podmarines. like i said for me it's just paying 22 pts to unlock an assassin which in turn gives me a psychological advantage. Mel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gil galed Posted May 25, 2009 Author Share Posted May 25, 2009 Uncle Mel said: well i generally add a melta bomb as well(though mostly because i have 5 pts to spare) and run him with IST with 2 meltaguns in a rhino, since he won't be able to shoot anyway i figured the 30 pts would be a bit of a waste, of course the two mystics and a familiar add on has some merit as well, especiallly versus podmarines. like i said for me it's just paying 22 pts to unlock an assassin which in turn gives me a psychological advantage. Mel i'm running a pure GK force (baring of course an Inq. + assassin if i do) so no IST for me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Uncle Mel Posted May 25, 2009 Share Posted May 25, 2009 in that case adding a psycannon and putting him in your psycannon squad would work, making a sort of mini purgation squad. Mel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
number6 Posted May 26, 2009 Share Posted May 26, 2009 Uncle Mel said: in that case adding a psycannon and putting him in your psycannon squad would work, making a sort of mini purgation squad. Mel This is exactly what I would suggest; I do this myself. :ph34r: 50 pts is relatively pricey, but it adds a serious boost to the GK mini-purgation squad you've got, plus you can pawn off at least one wound -- more if you're a bit lucky -- onto the guy without fearing you might fail an armour save on your more valuable GKs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saxxon the Dragoon Posted May 27, 2009 Share Posted May 27, 2009 your list is nice, plenty of shooting and the ability to capture is nice, something i would consider if you have the choice, i just tried this did this little inquisitor combo. inquisitor-20 storm bolter-10 psycannon bolts-10 3 acolytes with power armor and bolters-60 1 sage-10 heavy bolter servitor-25 total-135 that gives you a nice little firing lane and spare wounds, and increased BS, and gives you the points to grab any assassin you want (you can drop the psy bolts if you want) but this little squad really puts out some amazing punishment and and take it because of the ability differ wounds to your acolytes with better saves than your inquisitor and they will probably get plenty of fire. and it also gives you the points to buy you a cheap valkyrie if you want a mobile gun platform. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guillaume Posted June 1, 2009 Share Posted June 1, 2009 I must add that actually a mix of shooting/cc can work in the following case. I run a Inq with termy armour, thunder hammer and psycannon for 96pts, and put him with my Grand Master and his retinue of 4 GKT. This unit then has 3 psycannons (GM, 1 GKT and Inq). I move this unit slowly across the board and shoot with the psycannons. The Inq does well every so often. After all, he is well surrounded. The inq allows me to field the eversor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aidoneus Posted June 1, 2009 Share Posted June 1, 2009 I would argue, Guillaume, that you would be better served by ditching the thunder hammer. Run the unit as a mobile 3-psycannon unit (which is very impressive), and concentrate on shootiness. The GKTs will be perfectly well able to handle assault should it crop up. Indeed, I don't think the inquisitor really adds much to the combat, even with a thunder hammer. After all, it's only S6 and with WS4, using a meager 2 attacks. Importantly, the thunder hammer costs as much as an entire other PAGK. In a unit that does its best work hanging back at long range to make use of shrouding, you will virtually never get as much utility out of that thunder hammer as you could get by taking another PAGK in one of your units. Bottom line is, whatever you think about CC upgrades for inquisitors in-and-of themselves, they are never as worthwhile as other options in the codex. That's why most of us advocate simply leaving inquisitors in a shooty role (at which they excel), rather than trying to make a mediocre model passably good in assault by taking overly-expensive upgrades. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guillaume Posted June 1, 2009 Share Posted June 1, 2009 I agree with your reasoning Aidoneus. A thunderhammer is a bit wasted on the Inq. But that is the model I have, and I have used it as WYSIWYG. I can't remember any game where the Inq has won the game for with his hammer...more generally the GM or the hail of psycannons wins the game for me. I keep the hammer mostly for model reason and fluff reason (I just love that DH codex cover). If I could spare the 5pts, I would take the daemon hammer for even fluffier reasons.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Zyplon Posted June 3, 2009 Share Posted June 3, 2009 So what if the model has a Thunder Hammer? It can just as easily count as a normal power weapon - or even an unpowered, generic close combat weapon. Normal hammers exist, too :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
benmothershaw Posted June 5, 2009 Share Posted June 5, 2009 You can give him an Incinerator too and perhaps Hammerhand, afterall grabbing some attention from your opponent to attack some cheap Inquisitor is better than your GK's! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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