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Extra Armour


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Hey all,


I've just been trying to make a new 1500pt Tournie list, and I'm having trouble scrounging some more points together. All my Tanks/Transports have Extra Armour, but I was wondering, is it actually that useful?

What is everyone's opinion on this 15pt upgrade? Is it really needed?


What are your thoughts?




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Hey all,


I've just been trying to make a new 1500pt Tournie list, and I'm having trouble scrounging some more points together. All my Tanks/Transports have Extra Armour, but I was wondering, is it actually that useful?

What is everyone's opinion on this 15pt upgrade? Is it really needed?


What are your thoughts?





To me, it's not really useful most of the time. The only thing I generally throw it on are LRs carrying assault troops, simply because you don't want it to stall out. Even that's probably not really needed. 15 points for a upgrade that is only useful for 1/6 of the Vehicle damage chart is probably not a good buy 90% of the time.

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Like Gornall said, on a LR with assault troops, for the reason he listed. If I have points left then maybe on a rhino or two for my primary advance tac squads to achieve their required position, and (personally) never on anything else since transport is not their primary purpose and the points can be better spent elsewhere.
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I always take Extra Armor on my vehicles, the ability to keep moving after a 1/3 of the results on the damage chart hurt your vehicle are pretty great. It may seem like nothing, but if you play your vehicles right, they are perfect.
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I agree that at 5pts, it's a steel; at 15pts, you're getting robbed.


On my DH and WH vehicles, I always pay the 5pts for Extra Armour as I feel it is worth it to not have my vehicle sitting still for a turn that could have prevented. On my SM vehicles, I never use it; those 15pts per vehicle could be more Marines and/or better upgrades.



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Extra Armor is a very good addition on any vehicle.


However, due to its price, you have to restrict it to the vehicles that really benefit a lot from it.


Those vehicles are;


- Land Raiders with assault troops inside, for obvious reasons

- Dreadnoughts, because a stunned dread is a useless dread, whether a shaken dread can still move and assault/run.


I'd love to be able to put extra armor on my rhinos as well, but sadly its just too expensive to be worth the price.


The only vehicles that wouldn't really benefit from extra armor are the ones that spend the whole battle stationary (such as whirlwinds, predators etc.)

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Agreed, extra armor is simply not worth the higher cost on most vehicles... though on some vehicles it can be worth it.


Namely, like others said, on land raiders and dreads.


Landraiders, because seeing as the land raiders are 240 at the cheapest, 15 points represent a small investment on such a costly vehicle, and though useful only 1/6th the time, 1/6th the cost of the land raider is 40 friggin points.


Dreads, because stunned results have an additional effect on dreads--one less attack in close combat. Seeing as dreads only get 2 base attacks, losing one attack will half the attacks you get. On shooty dreads it doesnt matter, but if you plan on fighting with your dread, then not taking extra armor on an important dread means you will miss assault opportunities and be unable to damage the enemy.

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Only really work it on Dreadnoughts and Land Raiders, imo. Dreadnoughts because you always want your firing platform to remain mobile and be able to get into combat and Land Raiders so they don't get stuck in the open with their cargo still inside and not close enough to assault.
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I agree... I always take it on Dreadnaughts and landraiders. A dreadnaught is still deadly as long as its moving, and so its worth the points to keep it moving... not to mention that when combined with venerable it makes a dread incredibly tough. Landraiders its not as important with POTMS however the ability to keep moving can be crucial, and they tend to take alot more firepower.


With Rhinos it cuts into the rhinos biggest asset- its cheap. With Preds and Vindicators etc I find that if its stunned, itll probly either be dead or ignored the next turn... sometimes itll not be killed because my opponent is happy that its immobile and shotless for a turn and will try to deal with other things- that 15pt upgrade might have made him decide to keep trying to kill it.

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I generally try to buy it for my Rhinos when possible. I don't make it a top priority, but having Extra Armor on my Rhinos has turned battles around for me by allowing the Rhinos to move and contest objectives. Mobility is a key in 40k and retaining that mobility is a good thing.


That being said, I won't purposefully cut other units down to get Extra Armor on Rhinos unless a unit has been buffed to fill out points anyway.

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Extra Armour is great but +15pts is just too expensive for it to be a must have.


Which units should take it depends on your force composition - whatever absolutely must keep moving needs it.


The only unit I routintely take it on is my CC command squad+captain's razorback.

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I suppose it depends on how important the unit you are giving it to is to your overall strategy and how big an investment it is. So if you run a uber unit in a land raider, it makes sense to make sure that you spend those 15 points to get it there, other wise thats around 450 points sitting around for a while. Again dreads keeping moving and gunning makes it useful, but on things like rhinos i dont see the upside so much, it seems that those 15 points could be better spent. Of course if theres something worth alot of points in the rhino perhaps its worth adding it in.
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Since the raise in cost, I've regretted the lack of extra armor on my vehicles a total of once (and that was yesterday when I couldn't move my Baal away from some genestealers).
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I'm confused as to why GW seems to have removed scaling prices. Doesn't it make sense that the Rhino should still get 5 pt. EA due to its low cost, while the LR should have 15 or even 20 point EA because of the enhanced effectiveness on said unit? By that assocation, Predators should get 5-10 point EA too, since it's not so useful to them either. #RANT ATTACK OVER# Back on topic, I'd mostly agree with only on LR and Dreads for EA. To be honest, I don't even take it on my LR because of PotMS or whatever it's called in 5th, but I may if my luck changes in future games. For everything else, avoid.

I'd also like to note that this extends to stuff like Additional Storm Bolters, which I feel are madly overcosted for such a little upgrade. If it comes to that, just buy a HB RB :ph34r:

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I'd also like to note that this extends to stuff like Additional Storm Bolters, which I feel are madly overcosted for such a little upgrade. If it comes to that, just buy a HB RB :P

Agree. Extra stormbolter for 5 points, ok. For 10, umm, I think I have better uses of the points.

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It depends. As mentioned before, at 5 Points, it was a steal - it was a must on pretty much all vehicles. Now, though, at 15 Points, it's a harder call. I'd say no to Extra Armour on Rhinos and Razorbacks, simply because I wouldn't want to increase their points costs at all - used correctly, the Rhino is the best transport in the game, simply because it's great Value for Points. Bumping it up to 50 Points? I'd rather take a HB Razorback with HK Missile.
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Thanks for the torrent of replies guys.

I'm seeing a trend here, which is that EA is grossly overpriced and that the only viable uses for it are on a LR, Dread or a Rhino/Razorback that has something expensive and/or important inside.


While we're at it, would you guys mind checking out my list (1500pt) and helping me decide what to use the points on, now that I've dropped EA?

1500pt Tournament List


Thanks again,



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I'll have to echo the zillion comments beforehand. At its current incarnation of 15 points, it's too expensive to give to every vehicle. Now it only makes sense on Raiders, Dreads, and maybe a Vindicator that's part of an advancing linebreaker setup.


It is extra useful on a Venerable Dread, if you know how to use that Venerable reroll. The 15 points bumps a Venerable to a whopping 180 points, but allows you to ignore so many hits. Make them reroll anything above Immobilized on a penetrating hit, and anything over a Weapon Destroyed on a glance. Odds are you'll get less of an effect the second roll. A Venerable Dread can soak up a LOT of anti-tank fire that way. It might even save your hide against a Carnifex!


Of course, if your Dread is tooled for long-range support, don't waste the points on Extra Armor. Those Dreads don't need to move, so any damage roll is busting up your game plan. But if your Dread is capable of assaulting with its DCCW, the Extra Armor is worth the points to make sure it gets into the mix.

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I'm confused as to why GW seems to have removed scaling prices. Doesn't it make sense that the Rhino should still get 5 pt. EA due to its low cost, while the LR should have 15 or even 20 point EA because of the enhanced effectiveness on said unit?

To a degree, this is what GW did. But instead of scaling the armor, they scaled the vehicles.


A Rhino w/extra armor was 55 points in the previous edition, now it is 50 points.


A Land Raider w/extra armor in theprevious edition was 265 points - the same as now.

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It's worth putting extra armour on Vindicators against an opponent who will try to assault, rather than shoot, your tanks. The ability to get the hell outta the way in your turn = golden.
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A Land Raider w/extra armor in theprevious edition was 265 points - the same as now.


Apart from Crusaders of course which used to get it for free (as well as the Multi-Melta).


Generally I'd agree with what others have siad. IMHO it should cost 15 pts for LR and 10 pts for everything else

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