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Night lord


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Looks pretty cool, using the old (Space Crusade?) dreadnought. Unfortunately, I get a "photobucket exception" page when I click your images. My only real concern is that the weapons are too big for the sleek dread, but once bigger pictures are available I can give a better critique. :wink:
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Nice! good to see an old school model again. although as feuer_faust says, the weapns are too big, if you,ve got the space crusade set that had those dreadnoughts in it, there's a body section in there with four weapon mounts, you could use that? that would balance the model out a bit i reckon. just a thought :cuss
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SO, I do not have pictures anymore, but I see what you're trying to do. If you have sliiightly flexible opponent, you can do what I've done before. Basically, I converted a lascannon/missile launcher dreadnaught from Predator sponsons and two hunter killer missiles. To keep it from being bulky and award, I simply put one sponson on either side, and one missile atop each lascannon. Rules-wise, lascannon shots came from the right while missiles came from the left (like the models are usually shown). You might consider a similar approach (it's on the very low of non-WYSIWYG).
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