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Iron Warrior


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I am increasingly tempted to sell my soul to Chaos with my next project. I thought that I would give the Iron Warriors a whirl. For the real army I would use GW sculpted shoulder pads - hate hate hate decals. This is also my first attempt at blood spatter. This is an example wof what I would be doing for my "counts as Khorne Bezerkers" "Line-Breakers" in my army. Its still WIP and I have some touching up and tweaking to do. C&C would be most welcome.





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I am looking at some industrial patterned resin bases from Dragon Forge (I think) - the link is on my work machine. I batch painted and somewhat rushed my Guardians at times, so I am looking to take my time a lot more with whatever I do next, which is almost certainly going to be Chaos, and most probably the IW.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Very nice, if you do an army in this scheme you'd definitely find a fan in me! Now when you talk about the sculpted pads, are you looking at the Silver Skulls pads? I think those would be great for a force. I'd also HIGHLY recommend Dragon Forge for bases. Great product and the cost is also really easy on the wallet, especially in bulk.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the replies. Still tinkering with my "next project" ideas... its a toss up between Iron Warriors, A Ordos Xenos list using the C:SM, and possibly dipping my toe into a small Eldar army for variance... not 100% committed as yet :unsure: Wish I had the £ and time to do all 3!
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I like your base model, looking good! :)


And go for IW! IW! IW!


It's always a pleasure to see an Iron Warriors force, even if they are Traitors *charges both Plasma Pistols*


aaaanyway, waiting impatiently for more ^_^



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Thats one awesome Iron warrior.

Well painted all round and i love the blood splatters,they look realistic whereas some over-do blood abit.


I like the idea for counts as Berzerkers,a line breaker unit sounds like a good idea for any siege army.

It's alright pounding the walls with shells but when they go down you need men to charge in and kill. :devil:


Hope we'll see an army of these.




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Wow - thanks for the compliments! Never had that response before on here. Really makes me want to do an IW list now! Rest assured that I will at some point in the next year - thinking about doing a couple of good core 1000 points lists in a variety of armies, and IW is one of them.


The splatter was simple really. I read all sorts of tutorials that seemed to complicate it a lot.


Red Gore. Heavily diluted. Loaded up on a GW small drybrush. Then "flicked" at the model by pulling the bristles back with the thumb and letting them fall foward towards the models. Requires quite a few "flicks". Then lightly brucj over the more concentrated areas, in this case the teeth of the chainsword and the "tip".


Thanks again.

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