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The Emperor's Storm Bringers

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Okay, I decided to make a place to put pictures, and backgrounds of my minis. All of my models have names (cos I think bases are too bland!) so I've set myself the task to write a sentence or two about each dude. And before I get shouted at, yes I was inspired by Disruptor_fe404's grail company! Cheers D!


Now, I haven't got many pics, so I'll update as I go along. However, my main HQ.


Captain Scytharius




Recruited from the military schools of Uroep, Scytharius is a proven warrior and oratator. Though not the pinnacle of tactical acumen in the chapter, that honour all but declared for the captain of the 5th, Maldor Hataris, Calen Scytharius has led men into seemingly impossible situations and, through tactical skill and sheer might, led his men to victory. Wounded on Iopolis, he has a deep grudge for the Warboss known as 'Gunsmasha', and has the bionic eye to prove it.

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My apologies for the double post, but I just found this pic.


Chaplain Areus




Areus is a the hard embodiment of Imperial faith. His face has been transformed by steel and bone to resemble a snarling skull. He has killed men for cowardice, struck down heretics for insubordination, and destroyed xenos simply for being there.


I need to work on my histories, but I had a wedding party last night so I'm a little drowsy! I practically wrote an essay on Scytharius, but then I got a new computer...

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Well, to be fair, I don't think anyone has a monopoly on the concept of fluff accompanying models. Own fluff for own models perhaps, but not for the grand concept itself.


Not bad at all, though the details could do with some depth (but that could just be the lighting and the photos).


Oh, and Calen Scytharius makes me think Cato Sicarius. D'oh.

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Yes. I was rather upset when they gave Sicarius a first name like my guy's. It was annoying enough Sicarius and Scytharius sound the same!


And its not the lighting, my models do lack depth. I'm working on it, but Scytharius and Areus are a few years old. The only good looking models are squad Metalus, and they are not going to win any prizes!:




Sergeant Metalus lacks ambition and in some ways initiative, but makes up for it with textbook precision, and a dead eye aim.




Torl is much like his sergeant: dependable but most certainly a line trooper.

Korv is a dependable grenadier, delivering explosive power when and where it is needed. He alone accounts for more close-range tank kills than the rest of the squad combined.

Naj is the most recent recruit into the squad, and despite many certified close combat kills when a member of an assualt squad, Sergeant Metalus beleives the 'boy still has to prove himself'

Fagin, the squads flamer operator, has a calm demeanor completely at odds with his affinity with fire. He likes nothing more than to see an enemy go up in flames, but then walks on without saying a word.




Laias has three kill marks on his boltgun. He has killed many before, but after losing half his face he beleives his life has 'started anew', and wiped off all kill markings to prove it. He has also had more kills with his trusty knife, anyway.

Zumab is, unsuprisingly, a brute of a marine. Standing a good head above most other marines, he aims and fires his missile launcher with a song on his lips.

Jazzir is a maverick, intelligent and with more intiative than his sergeant, but not always put to good use. He has discipline, but also a sense of humour often deemed out of place on a marine,

Bakko is the most resourceful marine in Squad Metalus, adept at finding hiding enemies and also good shelter from their fire.

Caractacus is of noble birth, one of Uroep's ruling elite. He carries this with him, but also carries his boltgun with extreme skill.


Thats all for now.

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Nice to hear, Corsair.


Rhino II 'Taurus'








The transport for squad Caro is known to have a temperamental Machine Spirit, and so must be calmed more often than most.


This is my first Rhino, sorta OK. I think I went overobard on the hand detail, it now looks to orkish. Still, it was fun to do.

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Not orkish, but I wouldn't be surprised if it had some night lords in it! :D

Interesting rhino.


Thats kinda good to hear! At least it doesn't look like the greenskins did it! I get that they look like Night Lords or alpha legion a lot!

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Watch a sci-fi film whilst painting. I do that when I run out of names.


Land Raider Crusader 'Storm Breaker'



'Storm Breaker' was cristened so when its machine spirit drove into a storm of heavy weapons fire, and then killed all the warriors shooting at it.


It also won me a prize! 1st best tank and 3rd best overall. I still wonder how, to this day.

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Ok took some more pictures. Maybe if I spent less time taking pictures of miniatures I already have painted I will get the unpainted ones done?


Scout Squad Joel


Scout squad Joel consists of some of the best marksmen from the 4th company (p.s anyone who is confused try finding my IA, cos I certainly can't!), and many have been noted down to become full space marines after a few more battles.


Scout Sergeant Joel



The grey stubble of Scout Sergeant Joel is often the first sight a promising scout sees as he enters the 4th company. An able marksman, he opted to stay in the fourth company rather than advance further at the recomendation of the chapter master. He beleived, and so to does Joel, that he would perform a greater service to the Emperor training other scouts than to don power armour.





Novalis is the most promising scout in the squad. Dour and silent, he has no ambition or even pride, but he does have an impressive kill tally.

Skaltar can be counted on to fight hand to hand with all the skill of an assualt marine, but prefers to eliminate targets at range.

Foref has amazing sight, but has difficulty turning this into a killing shot. His progression to marine is still uncertain, unless his skills at range improve

Hawkus is known to brag about his kills, although granted he does have a considerable number.


Tactical Squad Caro


Squad Caro are even more closely knit together than other space marine squads. Though many marines have been though hell and back, Squad Caro survived in full. Every marine was credited for thier stoic defence of the agri-world Kablis.


Sergeant Caro



Sergeant Caro has an incredibly flexible mind, able to react to most situations. His skill with a chainsword compliments this, although his skill as a marksman is slightly lacking (for a space marine, anyway).



Broan lacks much intiative, although follows his sergeant's orders well. He does provide even more muscle than most marines.

Milo engaged an entire mob of orks alone, and although he barely survived (his armour disguises a shattered body) he managed to regroup with his squad before passing out from his wounds, some of them self-inflicted shrapnel damage.

Erlon lacks his left arm. He lost it when his plasma gun overheated and removed it. A bionic replacement was given, but this was again removed by an ork on Kablis. After that he beleives he has no need for a left arm, and fights without one.

Niro is a new recruit to squad Caro, but has already excelled himself at close range combat. He is lucky that discipline in the Emperor's Storm Bringers is not as tough as some other chapters, as he kept his trusty shotgun upon becoming a marine. Sergeant Caro removed it after he used it in battle, and gave him a firm warning.



Tomaz is an able marine, but before Kablis he was often an outcast in the squad, due to his closed attitude.

Izaak has been named Caro's succesor, should the sergeant fall.

Jocan is a joker, and a poor one at that. But his humour helps the squad fight at peak efficiency.

Alozo is known to be rather trigger happy, but this has been the saviour for a fellow battle brother on many occasions. Most notable is when he missed tragically, and hit brother Hasto. Although Hasto's leg was shattered, his fall meant a missile passed over him instead of into him.

Hasto, with his prosthetic leg, is the best marksman in squad Caro. He outshines his sergeants, and gained a marksman's award for killing an ork warboss with a well placed headshot, on Kablis.

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Well, I went into Sutton and got myself some Mordian blue and some Leviathan purple, and decided to try a new scheme. Whereas all the models before (and most to come) are painted just a layer of midnight blue over chaos black, with a few models with Lich purple highlights, this is designed to make a more indepth colour. I started with chaos black, and then did a solid coat of mordian blue. I then washed it badab black, then three washes of leviathan purple. I then did the little details. So here's brother Ator, perhaps a new step for the Storm Bringers? The lighting hides the fact the other guys are actually darker, but most people said they were too dark to maybe thats a good thing, too.


Brother Ator








Brother Ator, of the Storm Bringers 3rd company, 1st squad, was one of the lucky few Uroep peasents that makes it to the military schools. Although heavily bullied by Uroep's (and so Krona's) nobility, he denied them all when he became top of the scholum. As is the tradition, he was then passed onto the Storm Bringers to see if he can become a space marines. He passed with flying colours. He served with the fourth company for only the minimum of time, before being placed in Devastator Squad Dradis,the Assualt Squad Gorin, and finally Tactical Squad Amtrax.


So, what do you think? Yay or nay? Its much nicer to paint (I can see where I have painted!) and I think the washes give it more depth. I also washed all the metals, and highlighted the boltgun. I might highlight the trim Mithril Silver, if or when I buy some. And yes, I see the moudlines too... :ph34r:


EDIT: Does anyone know who designed the Storm Bringers chapter on this board? I was thinking of dropping the Emperor's in my chapter name, but that means taking his name. Of course, if he doesn't use them anymore it wont be so much of a problem.

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Squad Davriel now. I know there are ghastly mould lines, but I'm not going to repaint them. However, all new models will have them removed. I promise. You can shoot my imaginery dog if I don't.


Squad Davriel


Sergeant Davriel


Sergeant Davriel is a notable marksman, tactician and oratator. He is the combination of his fellow 3rd company sergeants, and his squad is an extension of this. They are often deployed as a line holders, due to their heavy outfit, and where Davriel can counter flanking attacks and direct Llamin's lascannon fire.



Schtarm is ruthlessness incarnate. He often takes things 'too far', and has to be reigned in by his sergeant

Like most plasma gunners, Arnes carries damage from his weapon. However, his face damage comes from a deadly eldar weapon.

Febes the squads main vox liason, receiving orders from command, and relaying them to Sergeant Davriel

Casrin is unremarkable, for a marine. Which means he can stand against hordes of orks without flinching, or resisting the worst of damage.



Berin is a tribesman from the southern wastes, and this shows in his combat style. He shouts warcries as he fires his bolter.

Llamin, naturally, is an excellent marksman. He has many vehicle kills scratched on his lascannon.

Odies is Davriel's second in command. He is also more resilient than even most marines.

Zail is clever, and resourceful.

Fross is as cold as Schtarm, but silent with it, and efficient.

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Watch a sci-fi film whilst painting. I do that when I run out of names.

Aww, don't tell them that! Now everyone will do it!


Seriously though, that's what I do as well. All my guys are named, I just don't put the names in a visible place unless I can make the font proper, so all their names are on the bottoms of their bases.

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