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Tarzard's Talon Squad (True Scale)

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I have decided to make this thread in which I will post future Talon Squad updates in.


First off a complete marine.




Champion WIP




Got inspired by Dark Angel dude. Decided to make new armour plates for the Squad Champion.


First I got some green stuff and rolled it flat.




Then I pushed the female face that was on the armour originally into the green stuff, and then worked out the basic outline for the armour plate.





Next I used the blade of my sculpting tool and a piece of plastic packaging to form the patterns. This finished the mould. Took a few minutes which goes to show how easy this whole thing is.





Green stuff is on now.





Added on. The 'belly space' is where another piece of armour will go. I will hope to avoid using the press mould method for most stuff. I am a sculptor, and whilst press moulded stuff looks nice, it is not sculpting past pressing lines into a slab of green stuff. I would rather do my work by hand.





Also another marine. This fella is wearing a MK2/MK6 hybrid suit.




And his other leg.



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Your Talon Squad Marines are truly awesome Terrible_Trygon. I especially like that champion of yours. The stance you have posed him in is great, gives that real powerful look to him. I also interested in your Armour molding you did with the green stuff thus I may be trying that out in the near future. Looking forward to more!
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